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Tips and Tutorials


Date Validation in ASP.NET

Hits: 5083

XML Automatic Documentation Tags

Hits: 1835
In this tutorial, we will try
Explans in details how to use
Developing a web application
A complete ASP.NET 2.0
to validate some data coming
XML automatic documentation
that responds to users
Notepad Web application
from a form input. While
tags in ASP.NET 2.0 source
requests quickly is a target
example (with source
using this sample code will
code. We will illustrate
and a challenge for all web
code). Explains Forms,
check the date is true and
in more details how you can
developers. ASP.NET was
sign in process, some
in correct format. We will
benefit from this technique
designed with speed
complex SQL queries and new
compare the date within a
to the most extent by using
optimization and performance
HiddenField ASP.NET 2.0
culture date format. Code
some other recommended XML
improvements in mind. This
server control.
can do two jobs for us :
tags to give more
tutorial covers correct
date is valid and date is in
comprehensiveness and
using of state management
correct format.
functionality to your final
and data access to develop a
documentation file.
high performance ASP.NET

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Dec, 13 2006
Explains the authentication
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Date: Dec, 13 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Nov, 21 2006
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