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Tips and Tutorials


ASP.NET 2.0: Creating Web Wizards

Hits: 1048

ASP.NET 2.0 Code Directory

Hits: 605
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
learn how to display
learn about Rich Controls
learn advanced site
having a deeper look at the
Master-Detail Data on
and Services, Creating Web
functionality, Enhanced Page
Code Directory, the Code
Separate Pages, create the
Wizards, Working with the
Framework, To create the
Beside Model and the
details page, test the pages
Wizard Control, Editing
Web.Sitemap file, Tracking
evolution of the Code Behind
and Allow Editing, Deleting,
Wizard Steps, Adding a
Traffic with Site Counters
model, learn about Partial
and Inserting Using a
Completion Step, To edit the
and Going Mobile.
Classes, Sharing Source
DetailsView DataBound
completion step, To show the
components, Creating a
user's data and Testing
Component, you will learn
Wizard Control.
how to create a
Application_Code folder, to
create a component in the
Application_Code folder and
use a component.

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this Tutorial you will
learn about Page Object
learn how to create contents
learn about reference Master
learn how to work with
Model, the Attributes of the
for a Master Page, create a
Page Mebers, add property to
Master Pages, create a file
@Page directive, the
home page, add contents to
Master Page, expose Master
system on website, create a
properties of the Page
home page and finally test
Properties. Members of
Master Page, create layout
Class, Methods of the Page
the home page. The
the Master page can be
table for the Master Page,
Class, Page Class Events and
template for the content is
referenced by content pages.
To add static content to the
the Page Scripting Object
now ready. We shall proceed
These members can be
master page and add a
to define content for the
methods, properties or
content placeholder.
master page by creating an
controls. The constraint for
ASP.NET page that is
property reference is theat
attached to the Master Page.
the property has to be
Content pages are
declared as public members
specialized forms of .aspx
of the master page. They
pages that only contain the
could be public page scope
content. Content can be text
variables, public propertis
or controls. We shall create
and public methods. Let us
a content page for the Home
work out a simple example.
page and another for the
The developer wants to set
About page.
the title of a content page
or to add a style sheet on a
per page basis. Code will
have to be added to the
Page_Load event. The Header
property on the Page class
exposes the content of
the< head > tag as
programmable entities.

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006
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