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Tips and Tutorials

VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Adding
Setting and Adding
Event Handling In Visual
Building graphical interface
Controls - In this tutorial
Properties to a Windows Form
Basic .NET 2005 -
elements - Building
let's discuss about Adding
- In this tutorial we wil
Introduction to Event
graphical interface elements
Controls to a Windows Form,
leran about Setting and
Handling, One of the most
by using the System.Drawing
Adding Controls using
Adding Properties to a
useful capabilities of the
namespace, In this tutorial
Windows Forms Designer,
Windows Form, Using the
OOP Languages is their
we will learn about Graphics
Adding Controls Dynamically
Visual Designer to set
inbuilt ability to be aware
Object, The Windows Forms
and Setting properties of
Windows Form Properties,
of a large number of events
Coordinate System, Drawing
Controls. Sample source
Setting Windows Forms
like MouseOver, MouseClick,
Text on a Form, Drawing
codes used in this tutorial
Properties programatically
and so on so that we can
Shapes and Working with
are included. Forms are
and Using Visual Inheritance
write codes to react to any
containers for control
along with the sample
event that we are
objects. All controls have
project and screen shots.
interested. This is made
properties, methods and
possible by the rich set of
events that can be used to
classes that have been built
customize their
in the .NET Framework.
functionality. Controls can
be manipulated in the
designer mode and code can
be added to dynamically add
controls at run time.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Common
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Dialog
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials :
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
Controls and Handling
Boxes in Visual Basic .NET
Common Windows Forms
DomainUpDown and
Control Events - In this
2005 - Most Windows
Controls Section 1 - In this
NumericUpDown - The windows
tutorial we will be learning
applications request for
tutorial we will learn about
how to use common control
user input. Dialog boxes are
Common Windows Forms
System.Windows.DomainUpDo wn
like Control Hierarchy,
one means of requesting
Controls in Visual Basic
control looks like a
Label and LinkLabel, TextBox
users for specific kinds of
.NET 2005. IN this part 1 of
combination of a text box
and RichTextBox, PictureBox,
inputs. Therefore, VB.NET
this article, We will be
and a pair of buttons for
GroupBox and Panel, Button,
allows its designers to
learning the controls like
moving up or down through a
CheckBox and RadioButton,
create a number of different
Control Hierarchy, Label,
list. This control displays
ListBox, CheckedListBox and
types of dialog boxes.
LinkLabel, TextBox,
and sets a text string from
ComboBox, DomainUpDown and
Standard Dialog boxes are
RichTextBox, PictureBox,
a list of choices.
NumericUpDown, MonthCalendar
included in classes that
GroupBox, Panel, Button,
and DateTimePicker, TreeView
fall within the purview of
CheckBox , RadioButton,
and ListView, Timer,
the CommonDialog.
ListBox, CheckedListBox and
TrackBar and ProgressBar,
FileDialog, ColorDialog,
HScrollBar, VScrollBar,
FontDialog, PageSetupDialog,
TabControl and Handling
Control Events.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
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