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Tips and Tutorials

Ideally, every application
Working on a multi-developer
In this tutorial you'll find
built would be designed with
ASP.NET project while
out how to validate a
correct date handling
sharing one web.config can
TextBox and RadioButtonList
techniques. In practice,
be time consuming and
control on a webform using
applications are often built
troublesome. Usually, each
using ad hoc date formatting
developer may have path and
which will show a warning
to match a corporate
other settings specific to
and stop the submission of
culture, the default format
their development machine,
the form if a required field
on a company’s server, or
such as Database connection
has no value.
the favorite format of the
strings, paths, e-mail
lead developer. Also, many
addresses, etc. For example,
applications are not locale
each developer on a project
aware or were not designed
may be running a database
to be deployed in an
locally that the application
environment where locale
relies on during
issues were not considered
development. Therefore, the
important. Because of this
connection string would be
it is extremely important to
different for each developer.
know the date formats in use
for input and output when
building applications that
will integrate with other
systems or databases and to
handle these formats

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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