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Tips and Tutorials


Web Parts and Personalization

Hits: 1361
This video shows how to use
Ever wondered how Microsoft
The ASP.NET 2.0 Wizard
Get an overview of the major
the new Web Parts and
have implemented Windows XP
control simplifies many of
features and improvements
Personalization features of
help? Ever wondered how
the tasks associated with
introduced with Visual Web
ASP.NET 2.0 and the designer
MSDN authors develop their
building a web application.
Developer 2005 Express
support provided by Visual
articles? Ever wondered how
In this tutorial we will
Edition and ASP.NET 2.0.
Web Developer 2005 Express
come when you press F1 in
look at the basics of the
Follow along through the
Edition to build
most application you are
Wizard Control by creating a
creation of a fictitious
customizable web pages whose
presented with something
simple data collection form
customer portal to learn
content and layout can be
describing that part of the
and then advance to simulate
about topics including
modified by the user. See
application? You will be
an online test wizard that
Master Pages, Themes,
how Web Parts enable the
amazed if we told you that
will be generated
database access, Membership,
user to add new content to a
all of the above cases are
Roles, the Web Site
page on-the-fly and
developed using the same
Administration Tool, site
restructure the page in the
tool: Microsoft Windows HTML
navigation, and user
browser using drag-and-drop.
Help Workshop. We believe
now you need not us to
explain more why Microsoft
Windows HTML Help Workshop
is an important and vital
tool for most software
developers and content
writers / distributors.

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 10 2006

Date: Mar, 30 2006

Date: Mar, 24 2006
If you developed an ASP.NET
This video illustrates how
Implementing help for ASP.NET
If you are working in a mixed
page and receive an error
simple it is to create
Applications and for .NET
development environment you
page form your locale ISS,
data-driven web sites using
Windows Forms Applications
know that ASP
you should check your setup.
Visual Web Developer 2005
have many similarities that
"Classic" and
Cause, ISS tries to validate
Express Edition, ASP.NET
will be highlighted in this
ASP.NET cannot share session
web clients for authorized.
2.0, and SQL Server 2005
tutorial and the reader will
state information. I am
Normally a web client 's
Express Edition. See the
be thought how to implement
offering the source code I
session sets Anounymous
integrated data editing
it in both.
used to this resolve this
account. So you should check
support provided by Visual
issue as well as discussing
NTFS permissions and set
Web Developer that
a couple of other possible
correct permissions for .NET
simplifies database creation
setup directory.
and population using the
Database Explorer and
DataSet Designer. Explore
how easy it is to create a
master-details view with
support for filtering,
sorting, paging, and editing
with no code using the
DropDownList, GridView,
DetailsView, and
ObjectDataSource controls.

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 21 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2006
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