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Tips and Tutorials


Oracle 9i Tutorials

Hits: 1383

ASP.NET Online Forum

Hits: 306
Course Description: This
ASP.NET Forum Share the
The release of ASP.NET forces
While ASP.NET 2.0 is
course introduces students
knowledge and get all the
us to reconsider many
completely backwards
to data server technology,
help you need to start
preconceptions about the
compatible with ASP.NET 1.1,
and explores the concepts of
developing secure ASP.NET
deployment of websites. For
its new features may require
relational databases and the
Web applications and share
example, we need to get used
you to revise parts of your
powerful SQL and PL/SQL
your development issues.
to the possibility of
Web applications. This
programming languages.
running multiple copies of
article provides a detailed
Students will learn and
the same site on a single
analysis of how changes in
practice how to create and
server, sharing different
ASP.NET 2.0 will influence
maintain database objects.
versions of identically
your porting decisions.
You will also learn to
named DLLs. Another thing
store, retrieve, and
that developers might find
manipulate data. Finally,
incredible is XCopy
you will learn how to create
deployment, which allows a
PL/SQL blocks of application
developer to deploy an
code that can be used in
application by simply
Oracle forms, reports, and
copying files to the target
other Oracle applications.
location. There's no need to
use the Registry or any
complex COM registration.

Date: Feb, 26 2005

Date: Jan, 24 2005

Date: Jan, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 16 2005
This discussion will focus
The new security components
Watch Thomas Lewis, Technical
As more and more companies
around "How to write
in .NET 2.0 can help you
Evangelist for ASP.NET 2.0,
reach out to other countries
secure code?" using
greatly reduce the amount of
give you his top-of-mind
for business, creating
.NET Technologies. It will
code you need to write in
perspective on salient
global Web applications with
also discuss secure coding
order to make your
features of ASP.NET 2.0 in
Microsoft ASP.NET is
practices for enterprises
applications secure.
this 10 minute video.
becoming more and more
and organizations. The
Security is difficult to get
important. ASP.NET 1.1
discussion will include
right, and it is a good
supported creating localized
following topics: .NET
strategy to leverage the
Web sites by means of the
Security Fundamentals; Code
code provided by Microsoft
ResourceManager class.
Access Security;
and other security vendors.
ASP.NET 2.0 makes it even
To that end, .NET 2.0
easier to provide support
Authentication and
provides numerous additional
for multiple cultures and
Authorization; Security in
types that encapsulate
locales through improved
COM+ and ASP.NET. Source
functionality already
runtime and tool support.
code included.
provided in the base Windows
OS., as well a new
functionality only available
in .NET 2.0. The
improvements affect public
key cryptography, Windows
security, remoting, ASP.NET
and Code Access Security.
Even if you plan to stick
with .NET 1.1 for a while
and implement your own
security classes, you might
want to take inspiration
from.NET 2.0 beta.

Date: Jan, 10 2005

Date: Dec, 10 2004

Date: Dec, 02 2004

Date: Nov, 24 2004
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