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Tips and Tutorials


What’s New in ASP.NET 2.0

Hits: 572
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
In this paper, we discuss the
learn the procedure for
learn about Anonymous Users,
learn What’s New in ASP.NET
concepts behind performance
Installing Visual Studio.NET
Managing Membership and
2.0, New Controls, Master
testing and its role in the
2.0 starting with minimum
Roles, The Programming
Pages, Site Navigation, User
development and testing
system requirements, runtime
Interface - Properties and
Management, Personilizaiton,
cycles. We cover performance
setup and side by side
Methods, Setting up the
Themes and Skins, Mobile
testing fundamentals and
Membership, The Membership
Devices, Site Counters,
general methodologies for
Provider, The ProviderBase
Configuration and Deployment.
testing aWeb application. We
Class, The
also describe the features
of the Microsoft Application
Class, Managing Roles, The
Center Test (ACT) tool and
Role Class and The Role
provide a step-by-step
tutorial on how to utilize
the tool on an ASP.NET

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 27 2006
We will be starting ASP.NET
Introduction: In this
Introduction: In this
This tutorial covers
training with C# from this
tutorial we will introduce
tutorial we will introduce
Validating User Input with
week. The content will be
the new technology for
some of the most commonly
C# covers Overview of
updated on weekly basis.
building websites. This new
used controls used in
ASP.NET Validation Controls
ASP.NET with C# training
technology is known as
Asp.net web programming. We
, Using the Simple
series teaches experienced
Asp.net. Asp.net allows the
will see all the different
Validators , Using the
developers the C#, ASP.NET,
developer to build
types of controls and their
Complex Validators and
ADO.NET, VB .NET and Visual
applications faster. This is
behavior. I will not talk
Summarizing Results with the
Studio .NET skills they need
achieved due to the fast
about complex, data bound or
Validation Summary Control.
to successfully build
that Asp.net makes use of
template controls in this
database-driven Web
the rich class libraries
tutorial since we are going
applications and Web
provided by Microsoft. net
to look at that in later
services. We will be
providing sample code along
with any articles links from
external sites, please use
discussion board if you have
any questions. At the end we
will be doing a mini Project
depending the response from
the users.

Date: May, 26 2006

Date: May, 26 2006

Date: May, 26 2006

Date: May, 26 2006
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