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Tips and Tutorials


Creating Master Pages with VWD

Hits: 1393
Feedback, contact and
Learn how to secure a Web
Learn how to create a website
This video introduces a
registration forms as well
site using the new
in Visual Web Developer that
number of the new ASP.NET
as content management
Membership and Roles
uses a Master Page as the
2.0 controls for building
systems that support insert,
features of ASP.NET 2.0.
site-wide template.
forms to collect information
update and delete functions
Topics include user
from the user, validate that
are all common scenarios
registration, password
information, then send a
where form validation should
recovery, and restricting
confirmation e-mail message.
be implemented.
access to content with
Features covered include the
roles. Get a tour of how the
Wizard control, Validation
Web Site Administration Tool
controls, and the
simplifies user account
System.Net.Mail classes for
administration and makes it
sending e-mail messages.
easy to control content
access permissions.

Date: Nov, 01 2006

Date: Oct, 28 2006

Date: Oct, 27 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006
Explains how to work with
Explains how Web services
This tutorial is just a
Really Simple Syndication
multiple tables, handle
work and how to call it from
starting point to show you
(RSS) is an XML standard for
errors and how DataSet
ASP.NET. When we create
how you can combine CSS
declaring content entries
tracks modified table rows.
and run this web service ,
layouts and Master Pages to
for small content feeds. The
Whenever a row is changed,
it will be run by a web
create a fairly
RSS format has gained
its status is set from
browser. However, in real
straightforward 2 column CSS
popularity over the years
UnChanged to Modified.
life, the true aim of web
layout for your website.
due to its simplicity. The
Whenever, a new row is
service can only be achieved
XML file formatted according
added, its status would be
if we can call it from some
to the RSS specification is
depicted by DataRow.Added.
web application or a console
either found as a physical
file or is obtained via a
Web site that handles the
request and sends the
content over the Internet to
the client.

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 19 2006

Date: Oct, 07 2006
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