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Tips and Tutorials


404 Not Found Redirection

Hits: 303

A Fast-Track Guide to ASP.NET

Hits: 329

A Simple Web Application

Hits: 1111
Recently we had a Website
A Sample Chapter from
Since "classic"
Learn how to create the basic
that was redone from a large
Professional ASP.NET. Covers
ASP's humble beginnings, ADO
structure of a simple web
static site to a dynamically
Installing .NET, Creating
data access classes and
application using
driven site in ASP.Net. The
ASP.NET Applications in
methods have been re-written
Microsoft's Web Matrix or
original site was heavily
Visual Studio.NET, The
to form ADO.NET. This
Visual Studio.
indexed by the major spiders
difference between ASP.NET
article looks at the
on the Web, we did not want
Different and ASP, Web
differences (in terms of
to lose the reference links
forms, Server Control, Code
classes, methods, and
in the engines and wanted to
and Content Separation, and
calling conventions) that
make sure the link clicked
exist between ADO and
on would go to an
ADO.NET. It provides several
appropriate paged in the
practical examples that show
site. In this article we
us how to evolve from using
cover how to create a
ADO with ASP to using
document mapper so the old
ADO.NET with C# and ASP.NET.
URL is redirected to the new
related page within the new

Date: Jan, 19 2004

Date: Aug, 25 2001

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 21 2005
This step-by-step tutorial
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
In this code snippet we're
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
makes use of over 20 images
Adding Sorting and Paging in
going to provide will enable
Adding Web Parts at Run Time
to describe every step in
GridView - In this tutorial
you to add text to an image
- In this tutorial you will
detail from obtaining,
you will learn adding
in memory. One use for this
learn how to add Web Parts
installing, configuring and
sorting and paging in a
code may be to open a file
at run time and To test the
running MySQL on Windows to
GridView Control, Implement
on the file system and add
Web Parts catalog.
insalling/uninstalling MySQL
Two Column Sorting, Create
some text to the image, then
as a Windows service,
Code for Custom Sorting,
stream the image out to the
creating a new table,
Editing the GridView control
user. This could come in
populating it with some
data, Deleting Displayed
handy if you want to create
records and displaying those
Records, Inserting Records
navigational buttons for
records in an ASP.NET page.
and Using Templates.
your Web site dynamically
Also explains the advantages
based on a request or
of using MySQL on Windows
dynamically create banners
with ASP.NET. All the code
via .Net code.
is available for download.

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Aug, 08 2003

Date: Sep, 22 2005
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