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Tips and Tutorials

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
Creating and Managing .NET
Creating and Managing
Creating and Managing
Creating Menu and Menu Items
Assemblies Single-file and
Components Section 1 - In
Components Section 2 - In
- In this tutorial we will
multi-file assemblies,
this tutorial you will learn
Section 2 of Creating and
learn about Creating Menu
Combining modules written in
about Components, Best
Managing Components You will
and Menu Items - Main Menu,
different languages,
practices in using
learn about Hosting a
Context Menu, StatusBar and
Creating a multi-file
Components, Creating
control inside Internet
ToolBar. Windows users are
assembly, End Namespace,
Components by extending the
Explorer, HTMLAnchor
familiar with Menu objects.
Static and dynamic
UserControl Class, Testing
Control, HTMLButton Control,
The MainMenu control
assemblies, Private and
the Control, Creating and
HTMLGeneric Control,
represents the container for
shared assemblies, Sharing
implementing Events,
Creating Components by
the menu structure of the
an assembly, Satellite and
Extending a control through
extending the Control class,
form. Menus are made up of
Resource-only assemblies,
Visual Inheritance and
Creating a custom control
MenuItem objects that
Compiling Satellite
Inheriting from a
and Creating components by
represent the individual
Assemblies, Compiling
extending the Component
parts of a menu. You can add
Satellite Assemblies With
submenus to menus that will
Strong Names, Obtaining the
pop up when the user clicks
Public Key, Delay Signing an
an arrow in the menu item,
Assembly, Re-signing an
display check marks, create
Assembly, Installing a
menu separators, assign
Satellite Assembly in the
shortcut keys to menu items
Global Assembly Cache,
, even draw the appearance
Resources in Applications,
of menu items yourself.
Creating and Localizing
Resources and Packaging and
Deploying Resources.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Dialog
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
Creating Multiple-Document
Creating Web Service Project
Boxes in Visual Basic .NET
DomainUpDown and
Interface (MDI) Applications
- In this tutorial you will
2005 - Most Windows
NumericUpDown - The windows
In this tutorial you will
learn about Creating a Web
applications request for
learn about Creating
Service Project. To create
user input. Dialog boxes are
System.Windows.DomainUpDo wn
Multiple Document Interface
an XML Web service project
one means of requesting
control looks like a
(MDI) Applications. In most
and thereby separate the
users for specific kinds of
combination of a text box
real time applications we
functionality of the web
inputs. Therefore, VB.NET
and a pair of buttons for
often find that multiple
service from the web site:
allows its designers to
moving up or down through a
windows open within another
create a number of different
list. This control displays
window. This kind of need is
types of dialog boxes.
and sets a text string from
satisfied by implementing
Standard Dialog boxes are
a list of choices.
Multiple Document Interface
included in classes that
(MDI) Applications. You can
fall within the purview of
create a class and designate
the CommonDialog.
it as a MDI window by
FileDialog, ColorDialog,
setting its IsMDIContainer
FontDialog, PageSetupDialog,
Property as true. Set the
value for WindowState as

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
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