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Tips and Tutorials


Introduction to ASP+

Hits: 337

Getting Started With ASP.NET

Hits: 336
In this article we will take
This is a sample chapter from
A Sample Chapter from
This article describes how to
a quick look at two methods
'A preview of Active Server
"Beginning ASP.NET
send emails with attachments
for creating SHA1 passwords
Pages+' by Wrox Press. Main
using VB.NET". Topics
using System.Web.Mail
for use on the web using
topics include: Introduction
covered include: Static Web
namespace from an ASP.NET
.NET. It is dangerous to
to ASP+ and the Evolution of
Pages Dynamic Web Pages;
page. Full source code
store passwords anywhere in
ASP, The Next Generation Web
An overview of the different
available for download.
plain text!! SHA1 gives a
Services Framework, How is
technologies for creating
quick and easy way to encode
ASP+ Different from ASP?,
dynamic web pages, including
a password into a non-human
Getting Started with ASP+,
ASP.NET; Installing Internet
readable form. This means it
and more.
Information Services (IIS);
is safer to store in a
Installing the .NET
database, and should the
Framework; and Testing and
database be viewed by anyone
Troubleshooting your
who shouldn't know the
passwords, it will be much
more difficult for them to
work out what a user's
password is.

Date: Jun, 23 2003

Date: Aug, 25 2000

Date: Oct, 15 2001

Date: Mar, 13 2002
A Sample Chapter from
This article discusses the
This article describes all
In part I of this tutorial,
Professional ASP.NET. Covers
benefits of using server
the steps required to run
learn how to send simple
Installing .NET, Creating
controls in ASP+ page and
your first ASP.NET page from
e-mails (both text and HTML)
ASP.NET Applications in
how it differs from using
downloading and installing
using ASP.NET.
Visual Studio.NET, The
HTML control in an ASP page.
ASP.NET Premium edition to
difference between ASP.NET
developing and running your
Different and ASP, Web
first ASP.NET page.
forms, Server Control, Code
and Content Separation, and

Date: Aug, 25 2001

Date: Oct, 29 2000

Date: Oct, 12 2001

Date: Oct, 12 2001
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