Sure, you've heard about
Is the migration to ADO.NET
This article examines how to
Ideally, every application
.NET... maybe you're a
keeping you up at night?
can create a Web service in
built would be designed with
Visual Basic programmer for
This article will show you
.NET and then utilize it
correct date handling
a small company, maybe you
some techniques for
from a classic ASP page on
techniques. In practice,
write SQL stored procedures
transforming your ADO
your Web server, thereby
applications are often built
for a huge company, or maybe
recordset into an ADO.NET
providing an API that can be
using ad hoc date formatting
you're just a Microsoft
dataset using Visual Basic
utilized by both your
to match a corporate
developer wanting to keep on
ASP.NET Web pages and
culture, the default format
the cutting edge of
classic ASP pages.
on a company’s server, or
technology. This article
the favorite format of the
will explain exactly what
lead developer. Also, many
.NET is, how it works, how
applications are not locale
we (as developers) can
aware or were not designed
benefit from it, its many
to be deployed in an
new features, and other .NET
environment where locale
related information.
issues were not considered
important. Because of this
it is extremely important to
know the date formats in use
for input and output when
building applications that
will integrate with other
systems or databases and to
handle these formats
Date: Dec, 27 2001 Date: Sep, 27 2002 Date: Aug, 27 2003 Date: Nov, 30 -1 |
Given that all the
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
ASP.Net's introduction of the
The term "web
prerequisites and ASP.NET
Changing Master Pages
web.config file went a long
service" has been used
are installed, this tutorial
Dynamically - In this
way to filling the
quite frequently lately: you
walks you through writing
tutorial you will learn how
configuration hole we had to
hear people saying how good
ASP.NET pages of your very
to make a copy of the master
deal with in classic ASP. We
web services are and how
page, To add buttons for
actually went from having
they will dominate the
selecting an alternate
very little (global.asa was
future of software
master page, To write code
the closest thing) to a
development, but what
to dynamically select the
well-structured, change on
exactly are web services and
master page and test the
the fly XML file. For the
how can we create them? This
dynamic master pages.
most part, the web.config
article shows us how to
file does the trick fine.
build two web services and
However there are some
also unravels all of the
limitations and constraints
lingo surrounding web
with using it, which you are
probably already aware of.
What you might not know is
how easy is it to surmount
those issues by creating a
far more flexible
Date: Feb, 14 2002 Date: Sep, 22 2005 Date: Aug, 30 2004 Date: Aug, 27 2003 |