In this tutorial you will
Given that all the
Marcus Mac Innes demonstrates
ASP.Net's introduction of the
learn how to display
prerequisites and ASP.NET
how security on a web site
web.config file went a long
Master-Detail Data on the
are installed, this tutorial
can be compromised by taking
way to filling the
same page, To display the
walks you through writing
advantage of holes within
configuration hole we had to
master records, To configure
ASP.NET pages of your very
the application code. These
deal with in classic ASP. We
a query to display related
holes can be discovered by
actually went from having
records and To test the page
using a series of probes
very little (global.asa was
which disclose whether or
the closest thing) to a
not vulnerability exists. He
well-structured, change on
also demonstrated using a
the fly XML file. For the
Cross Site Scripting attack
most part, the web.config
how the Forms Authentication
file does the trick fine.
cookie could be stolen and
However there are some
silently sent to an
limitations and constraints
attacker's website to be
with using it, which you are
stored for later use. The
probably already aware of.
key message of the talk is
What you might not know is
to ensure that all user
how easy is it to surmount
input is validated before
those issues by creating a
any other processing is
far more flexible
done. This together with
strict use of secure coding
standards would have
disabled any attacker's
opportunities. Source code
Date: Jun, 04 2006 Date: Feb, 14 2002 Date: Apr, 07 2005 Date: Aug, 30 2004 |
Explains how Dreamweaver MX
If you are working in a mixed
Every community site will
The term "web
can be used to consume web
development environment you
have different requirements
service" has been used
services in ASP.NET for the
know that ASP
to fulfill. Although the
quite frequently lately: you
visual environment. In
"Classic" and
existing CSK framework
hear people saying how good
detail, the "Local
ASP.NET cannot share session
offers a great deal of
web services are and how
Time" web service from
state information. I am
flexibility, having the
they will dominate the
XMethods will be utilized.
offering the source code I
entire source code available
future of software
used to this resolve this
means you can add additional
development, but what
issue as well as discussing
functionality to a site in
exactly are web services and
a couple of other possible
an elegant manner. In this
how can we create them? This
chapter, we will concentrate
article shows us how to
on creating a new module for
build two web services and
the CSK. We will see how
also unravels all of the
creating a new module allows
lingo surrounding web
you to add entirely new
features which integrate
seamlessly with the rest of
the framework. In this
chapter, we will implement a
Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) module.
Date: Jan, 27 2003 Date: Mar, 20 2006 Date: Feb, 28 2005 Date: Aug, 27 2003 |