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Tips and Tutorials


HTTP Architecture for ASP.NET

Hits: 906

All about Microsoft .NET

Hits: 905
The objective of this lab is
ASP.NET is built on a core
This programming tutorial
Learn how to use the tools
to convert a simple JSP
set of classes and
covers the basics of
and options in Visual Studio
application into an ASP.NET
interfaces that abstract the
Microsoft .NET environment
.NET to increase your
application using the Java
HTTP protocol. The three
and its architecture. It
productivity and work
Language Conversion
core abstractions are the
includes NET
efficiently in a team
Assistant (JLCA). The JSP
context (HttpContext) that
Implementations Common
environment when building
application is a simplified
represents the current HTTP
Language Runtime Framework
ASP.NET applications.
e-commerce scenario,
request, handlers (classes
Class Libraries Common
consisting of two JSP pages,
that implement IHttpHandler)
Language Specification (CLS)
a Servlet, a tag library
that are capable of
.NET Framework Namespaces
consisting of a single tag,
servicing HTTP requests, and
and the SQL Server Pubs
modules (classes that
implement IHttpModule) that
can pre/post process HTTP
requests to provide
additional services.

Date: Feb, 19 2004

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: May, 02 2006

Date: Aug, 08 2003
RSS (Rich Site Summary) news
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
In this tutorial you will
Geekarticles database of
feeds are easily consumed
Event Handling In Visual
learn about new features
technology with over 7000 in
and displayed in an ASP.NET
Basic .NET 2005 -
included in ASP.NET 2.0 for
Software testing Technology
web forms page using no more
Introduction to Event
State Management. The
which includes Bug Reporting
than a few lines of codes.
Handling, One of the most
Control State, differences
Articles, Change Management
However, listing the RSS
useful capabilities of the
in handling View State and
Articles, CheckLists White
news feed links in this
OOP Languages is their
Control State, Implementing
Papers, Client/Server
fashion can take up
inbuilt ability to be aware
the control state.
Testing, Database Testing,
considerable page space.
of a large number of events
Initialization and loading
Defect Tracking, ERP
Instead, it would be more
like MouseOver, MouseClick,
of a controls private state.
Testing, Estimation White
convenient to display them
and so on so that we can
Papers, LoadRunner
in a small embedded window
write codes to react to any
Tutorials, Quality
that automatically scrolls
event that we are
Management Articles,
them to the user. This
interested. This is made
Rational Robot Tutorials,
method substantially reduces
possible by the rich set of
Segue Silk Tutorials, SQA
the page real estate devoted
classes that have been built
Websites, Test Approach,
to the news feed, while
in the .NET Framework.
Test Automation, Test
displaying the same
Design, Test Planning,
information in a compact,
Testing Basics, Testing
attractive, and intuitive
Methods and Testing Tools.
manner. Once you have
developed a method for
displaying RSS news in this
format, it would be still
more convenient to implement
the method as a custom
control that you can add to
any ASP.NET web forms page
with just a few lines of
code. This article shows
you how. In this article,
you will learn how to create
the illusion of continuous
seamless scrolling by: 1)
using two datagrids to
display the same listing;
and 2) scrolling the entire
total list, but then
repeating the scrolling when
it has passed over the first

Date: Jan, 23 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Sep, 07 2005
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