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/** Search */

Tips and Tutorials

In this tutorial you will
Mobile Devices such as cell
VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
This tutorial explains about
learn about reference Master
phones with web access and
Building graphical interface
Oracle Apps login, Choosing
Page Mebers, add property to
Personal Digital Assistants
elements - Building
Responsibility, Choosing
Master Page, expose Master
(PDA's) are becoming more
graphical interface elements
Function / Opening Form,
Properties. Members of
common. The infrastructure
by using the System.Drawing
Switch Responsibility, Query
the Master page can be
that supports "Wireless
namespace, In this tutorial
Form and Keyboard Shortcuts.
referenced by content pages.
Web" is becoming larger
we will learn about Graphics
This chapter would tell a
These members can be
and more reliable with the
Object, The Windows Forms
user about the basics of
methods, properties or
advent of time. Mobile
Coordinate System, Drawing
login to the Oracle
controls. The constraint for
devices use a different
Text on a Form, Drawing
Applications instance. It
property reference is theat
standard called
Shapes and Working with
would also demonstrate the
the property has to be
"Wireless Markup
basics of working with
declared as public members
Language " (WML) for
Oracle Applications. To
of the master page. They
consuming web pages. This
understand the complete
could be public page scope
article is aimed to explore
functionality of a
variables, public propertis
some dimensions of ASP.NET
particular responsibility
and public methods. Let us
Mobile Software Development
please refer to the
work out a simple example.
kit (Mobile SDK) to create
respective User Guide.
The developer wants to set
web pages with the same
the title of a content page
norms and constructs that
or to add a style sheet on a
are required for building
per page basis. Code will
any traditional page.
have to be added to the
Page_Load event. The Header
property on the Page class
exposes the content of
the< head > tag as
programmable entities.

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: May, 24 2005
This tutorial explains about
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
In this tutorial you will
using Rapid install to
Adding Sorting and Paging in
The .NET Framework
learn DetailView DataBound
install Oracle Applications
GridView - In this tutorial
Architecture Part 2. In this
Control, To create a file
on any machine. With Rapid
you will learn adding
tutorial of The .NET
system Web site, Connecting
Install, you can perform
sorting and paging in a
Framework Architecture Part
to SQL Server, Use a
these operations: Install a
GridView Control, Implement
2 we will learn about
Drop-Down List as the Master
new, fully configured Oracle
Two Column Sorting, Create
Just-In-Time (JIT)
and To test the drop-down
Applications system,
Code for Custom Sorting,
compilation, Assemblies,
including the latest
Editing the GridView control
native assemblies, Global
certified Oracle
data, Deleting Displayed
Assembly Cache (GAC) and
Applications technology
Records, Inserting Records
Comparison of VB.NET, C#,
stack and all patches,
and Using Templates.
and J#.
mini-packs, family packs,
and other updates available
at the time of this release.
Lay down the file system and
configure server processes
for an upgraded system and
Install a new database tier
or application tier
technology stack.

Date: May, 25 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: May, 31 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006
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