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MS SQL RD4 Encryption

Hits: 437
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
This is a simple RD4
Creating and Managing .NET
Visual Studio.NET
The .NET Framework
encryption stored procedure.
Assemblies Single-file and
Namespaces The .NET
Architecture Part 2. In this
It's nice because it uses
multi-file assemblies,
Framework class library has
tutorial of The .NET
the same procedure to
Combining modules written in
thousands of classes which
Framework Architecture Part
encrypt and decrypt and it
different languages,
are needed for developing
2 we will learn about
beats using a cast as
Creating a multi-file
and deploying solutions. In
Just-In-Time (JIT)
assembly, End Namespace,
order to organize all those
compilation, Assemblies,
Static and dynamic
classes for ease of use .NET
native assemblies, Global
assemblies, Private and
Framework uses namespaces.
Assembly Cache (GAC) and
shared assemblies, Sharing
This Gives the Classes their
Comparison of VB.NET, C#,
an assembly, Satellite and
own space and prevents
and J#.
Resource-only assemblies,
conflicts between the
Compiling Satellite
various names in these
Assemblies, Compiling
classes. For instance if two
Satellite Assemblies With
classes contain a method
Strong Names, Obtaining the
Paint(), then to avoid
Public Key, Delay Signing an
conflicts in names we can
Assembly, Re-signing an
place these classes in two
Assembly, Installing a
different namespaces. Thus
Satellite Assembly in the
namespaces allow classes to
Global Assembly Cache,
be grouped in a consistent,
Resources in Applications,
hierarchical manner.
Creating and Localizing
Resources and Packaging and
Deploying Resources.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: May, 01 2003
Hi there, I was trying to
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials :
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
Implementing Class Library
find a solution to block
Common Windows Forms
Creating and Managing
Object in VB.NET 2005
spammers adding data to your
Controls Section 1 - In this
Components Section 1 - In
Class: Classical Object
database using C#. This is
tutorial we will learn about
this tutorial you will learn
Oriented Concepts explain a
the quick solution I found.
Common Windows Forms
about Components, Best
class as a cookie cutter. A
Controls in Visual Basic
practices in using
class allows you to create
.NET 2005. IN this part 1 of
Components, Creating
objects of the class. As a
this article, We will be
Components by extending the
programmer you define a
learning the controls like
UserControl Class, Testing
class with data fields,
Control Hierarchy, Label,
the Control, Creating and
properties, methods and
LinkLabel, TextBox,
implementing Events,
events. Then you can create
RichTextBox, PictureBox,
Extending a control through
objects based on that class
GroupBox, Panel, Button,
Visual Inheritance and
that have state (fields,
CheckBox , RadioButton,
Inheriting from a
properties) and behavior
ListBox, CheckedListBox and
(methods, events). A class
can be considered as a
specification of how the
object of the class should
look like and behave.

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
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