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Tips and Tutorials


Oracle 10g DBA Free Training

Hits: 469
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
This course enables learners
ITQuestionbank.com is an open
Exceptions - In this
Validation - In this
to gain a conceptual
Database Directory with over
tutorial you will learn
tutorial you will learn
understanding of the Oracle
3000 Articles, Certification
about Exceptions, Common
about User Input Validation,
database architecture and
Notes, Tutorials, Ebooks,
Exceptions, Handling
Required Field Validators,
how its components work and
FAQ's and Interview
Exceptions - Try Block,
Comparison Validators, Range
interact with one another.
Questions resources.
Catch Block, Throw
Validators, Regular
You will learn how to create
Dedicated sections for each
Statement, Finally Block,
Expression Validator, Custom
an operational database and
Technolgy like Testing,
Salient points about error
Validators, ErrorProvider,
properly manage the various
MicroSoft, Database... If
handling Custom Exceptions -
Enabling Controls Based On
structures in an effective
you are looking for anything
Managing Unhandled Exception
Input and Other Properties
and efficient manner
specific, please take a look.
of Validation.
including performance
monitoring, database
security, user management,
and backup/recovery
techniques. All these
tutorials are prepared
exclusively for Exforsys.com
by Oracle Professionals and
Certified DBA's. Feel free
to post any questions you
might have during this
training in our forums. Let
us know if you have any
specific topics in mind
which are not covered. You
also will learn salient
aspects of Oracle Database
10g such as user and data
management. The basic
aspects of database
management such as database
integrity constraints,
transferring data, and
defining tables and schemas
has been discussed at length.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: May, 24 2005

Date: May, 23 2005
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access
This pack learns how to
Some ADO.NET sessions focus
Learn the difference between
and Manipulate Data - ADO
create an array of server
on the object model and .NET
Classic ASP techniques and
.NET Object Model - In this
controls dynamically and
Framework classes and not on
the new Templating method in
tutorial you will learn
capture their events. Source
specific data access tasks
about The ADO .NET Object
that ADO.NET can solve. This
Model, Data Providers and
session assumes you're
Their Objects and the
somewhat familiar with the
Dataset Objects ADO .NET
ADO.NET object model and
renders very good support
want to see how to address
for working with
the common tasks your
disconnected data. ADO .NET
application is likely to
2.0 comes with additional
perform. Focus on getting
features that enhance the
connected in an ASP and
performance of common
Windows application, how to
database tasks.
setup and run ad hoc queries
as well as parameter-driven
stored procedures, with and
without returned parameters.
See how to bind to
DataReaders and DataSets and
when it makes sense to use
each. See how to fill and
bind to a ListBox and a
DataGrid and how to update
the data, even when the
query is the result of a
complex join.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: May, 16 2003

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Jan, 16 2004
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