Microsoft provides an easy
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials:
This article begins with an
Learn how to create and
way to dynamically register
Finding and Sorting Data in
examination of a typical
execute stored procedures
client side code at runtime.
DataSets In this tutorial
data-driven ASP application
using .NET.
Unfortunately, it can only
you will learn about Finding
and then explains how to do
place the code within the
and Sorting Data in DataSets
a minimalistic port from ASP
body of a web page. I have
- Filtering on Row State and
to ASP.NET and steps and
two suggestions on how to
Version, Sorting and Data
tips on converting your
work around this issue and
View Manager.
application fully to
register code in the header.
ASP.NET. Topics
Running ASP and
Microsoft ASP.NET on the
same Web server, Examining a
common ASP application, and
Porting the ASP application
Date: Mar, 20 2006 Date: Jul, 22 2005 Date: Nov, 14 2001 Date: Nov, 15 2004 |
Really Simple Syndication
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Using
In this tutorial you will
Recently, I had a requirement
(RSS) is an XML standard for
the Data Form Wizard - In
learn about Complex Data
to put together a website
declaring content entries
this tutorial you will learn
Binding, Binding to a
that deals with taking
for small content feeds. The
about Using the Data Form
ComboBox or ListBox, Binding
somewhat elaborate financial
RSS format has gained
Wizard - Building a
to a DataGrid. Complex data
surveys. While the
popularity over the years
Single-Table Data Form,
binding is the ability of a
questions and answers
due to its simplicity. The
Transform and Filter Data,
control to bind to more than
themselves are good
XML file formatted according
Using Server Explorer,
one data element, typically
candidates for being
to the RSS specification is
Drag-and-Drop From Server
more than one record in a
database driven, there were
either found as a physical
Explorer, What the user Can
database, or to more than
a large number of nuiances
file or is obtained via a
and Cannot Drag from Server
one of any other type of
ranging from UI items,
Web site that handles the
Explorer, Filtering Data,
bindable data elements.
business rules, and
request and sends the
Filtering With DataViews,
calculations that just
content over the Internet to
Filtering At the Server,
didn't fit into a database
the client.
Transforming Data with
driven strategy. With this
Lookups and Master Detail.
in mind, my initial strategy
was to create version
specific classes and
reference them in version
specific ASP.NET pages. Of
course, this accomplished
the initial requirement.
However, whenever a new
version needs to be
implemented, I had to copy
all of the ASP.NET pages and
modify the references to the
appropriate version specific
class name. Refactoring
provides a better
alternative and here's how:
Date: Oct, 07 2006 Date: Jul, 22 2005 Date: Jul, 22 2005 Date: Oct, 15 2004 |