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Tips and Tutorials


Date Validation in ASP.NET

Hits: 5084
In this tutorial, we will try
In this source code we will
We will create a custom
If you developed an ASP.NET
to validate some data coming
look at anyother new focus
dropdown conrol using a
page and receive an error
from a form input. While
on ASP.NET. We could write
datasource. This code
page form your locale ISS,
using this sample code will
binay files using
provides us to fill a
you should check your setup.
check the date is true and
BinaryWriter class. Let's
dropdrown list using a
Cause, ISS tries to validate
in correct format. We will
see it on a sample code. .
datasource. This code also
web clients for authorized.
compare the date within a
displays us ASP.NET is
Normally a web client 's
culture date format. Code
easier than classical ASP to
session sets Anounymous
can do two jobs for us :
generate custom controls.
account. So you should check
date is valid and date is in
NTFS permissions and set
correct format.
correct permissions for .NET
setup directory.

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Oct, 03 2006

Date: Oct, 28 2003

Date: Mar, 22 2006
In this source code we will
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials : The
In this tutorial you will
In this code sample we will
look at how to read an XML
Page Object Model In this
learn how to set
take a look at how to use
data source and how to put
tutorial you will learn
application-level caching in
it on our ASP.NET page. For
about Page Object Model, the
ASP.NET 2.0. To Configure
We use this function to get
this example you can use a
Attributes of the @Page
and Use Parameter-Level
new ID of inserted record
sample XML file putting same
directive, the properties of
Caching and also the steps
from SQL database. .
folder with our source code.
the Page Class, Methods of
involved to cache based on
the Page Class, Page Class
Events and the Page
Scripting Object Model.

Date: Sep, 26 2006

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Sep, 13 2006
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