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Introduction to Web Services.

Hits: 753
Explains how Dreamweaver MX
This is an overview of ASP+.
Have you ever needed to have
The label "web
can be used to consume web
Explains what it is, what it
an image of some text
services," as broadly
services in ASP.NET for the
can do, the difference
generated dynamically on the
applied, has two levels of
visual environment. In
between ASP and ASP+, and
fly? There are tons of
meaning—one specific and one
detail, the "Local
other properties of ASP+.
possible applications for
conceptual. Specifically,
Time" web service from
this type of thing, but
web services are a stack of
XMethods will be utilized.
prior to ASP.NET it was a
emerging standards that
relatively difficult thing
describe a service-oriented,
to do. This article explains
component-based application
how to generate text images
architecture. Conceptually,
on the fly using ASP.NET.
web services represent a
Source code available for
model in which discrete
tasks within e-business
processes are distributed
widely throughout a value

Date: Jan, 27 2003

Date: Jan, 11 2001

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Mar, 31 2003
In this article we will cover
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
Well by now many of you have
How to create a cookie, how
exposing an existing ASP.Net
Changing Master Pages
probably heard, or at least
to get the value stored in a
application as a Web
Dynamically - In this
caught wind of, the fact
cookie, set the lifetime,
service. We will provide
tutorial you will learn how
that the next version of ASP
path and domain for a
methods for creating the Web
to make a copy of the master
is not going to be ASP 4.0.
cookie, edit a cookie,
service, converting readers
page, To add buttons for
It is instead going to be
delete a cookie, remove
to data sets, and a client
selecting an alternate
called ASP+, and what a
subkeys from a cookie...
application for the new
master page, To write code
difference that plus sign
to dynamically select the
makes. This article
master page and test the
describes the new ASP in a
dynamic master pages.
great detail. Topics
include: The New ASP+
Infrastructure, Increased
Performance, Greater
Scalability, Quicker and
Easier Development, Easier
Manageability, Improved
Security, Language Support,
and Web Services.

Date: Jan, 16 2004

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 18 2000

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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