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Tips and Tutorials


Managing Membership and Roles

Hits: 548

ASP.NET with C# Training Launch

Hits: 542
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
We will be starting ASP.NET
Managing Membership and
learn how to Enable Users to
learn adding sorting and
training with C# from this
Roles - In this tutorial you
Edit Pages and Change
paging in a GridView
week. The content will be
will learn about Anonymous
Layout, To create a user
Control, Implement Two
updated on weekly basis.
Users, Managing Membership
control that enables
Column Sorting, Create Code
ASP.NET with C# training
and Roles, The Programming
changing page layout, To
for Custom Sorting, Editing
series teaches experienced
Interface - Properties and
enable users to change the
the GridView control data,
developers the C#, ASP.NET,
Methods, Setting up the
layout and To test layout
Deleting Displayed Records,
ADO.NET, VB .NET and Visual
Membership, The Membership
Inserting Records and Using
Studio .NET skills they need
Provider, The ProviderBase
to successfully build
Class, The
database-driven Web
applications and Web
Class, Managing Roles, The
services. We will be
Role Class and The Role
providing sample code along
with any articles links from
external sites, please use
discussion board if you have
any questions. At the end we
will be doing a mini Project
depending the response from
the users.

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: May, 26 2006
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
A complete online chapter
In this tutorial you will
VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
Visual Studio.NET Namespaces
learn DetailView DataBound
Setting and Adding
- The .NET Framework class
Programming" from
Control, To create a file
Properties to a Windows Form
library has thousands of
"Professional ASP.NET
system Web site, Connecting
- In this tutorial we wil
classes which are needed for
Web Services". Provides
to SQL Server, Use a
leran about Setting and
developing and deploying
in depth information on how
Drop-Down List as the Master
Adding Properties to a
solutions. In order to
and when to implement
and To test the drop-down
Windows Form, Using the
organize all those classes
syncronous and asynchronous
Visual Designer to set
for ease of use .NET
processing using web
Windows Form Properties,
Framework uses namespaces.
Setting Windows Forms
This Gives the Classes their
Properties programatically
own space and prevents
and Using Visual Inheritance
conflicts between the
along with the sample
various names in these
project and screen shots.
classes. For instance if two
classes contain a method
Paint(), then to avoid
conflicts in names we can
place these classes in two
different namespaces. Thus
namespaces allow classes to
be grouped in a consistent,
hierarchical manner.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Dec, 21 2001

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2005
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