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Cookies in ASP.NET

Hits: 818
Take advantage of inheritance
Shows and explains you how to
We probably all remember how
This article explains how to
in the .NET Framework to
make an ASP .NET Web
agonizing it is to create
use the .NET XmlTextWriter
extend ASP.NET classes to
Service, an ASP .NET Web
client-side cookies using
class to create a custom RSS
make them generate ASP.NET
Application and how to
JavaScript. HttpCookie class
feed. I have decided to
code that is fully
consume the Web Service with
offers an easier way to
write this article in 2
accessible to people with
the ASP .NET Web Application.
accomplish the task and with
parts. In this part, I will
minimal fuss. This article
focus on creating the RSS
takes a close look at
feed and how to consume it
HttpCookie class and how to
from an asp.net page. In
use it to store cookies on
part 2, I will focus on
the client machine.
creating a dynamic RSS feed
with ADO.NET.

Date: Jul, 09 2004

Date: Jun, 28 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2004
In this article, we will look
This tiny demo source code
ASP.NET pages are dynamically
ASP.NET provides extensive
at some of the architectural
will give you a hint about
compiled on demand when
tracing and debugging
and design decisions that
how to query data stored on
first required in the
capabilities, an area that
may affect ASP.NET
your server via XMLDB Engine
context of a Web
has been neglected for web
application scalability. In
Lite (XMLDBelt), create new
application. Dynamic
developers in the past. With
addition, you will leanr how
files, insert data into
compilation is not specific
its new compilation model,
you can use Enterprise
existed, update data, delete
to ASP.NET pages (.aspx
debugging a page becomes as
Services and MSMQ to reduce
and etc.
files); it also occurs with
natural as debugging any
the effect of those
Web Services (.asmx files),
other application.
scalability problems.
Web user controls (.ascx
files), HTTP handlers (.ashx
files), and ASP.NET
application files such as
the global.asax file. But
what does it mean exactly
that an ASP.NET page is

Date: Jun, 15 2004

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 10 2004
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