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Tips and Tutorials

E-Commerce applications
Learn how to create and
Create stored procedures with
Thom Robbins, from Microsoft
require mechanisms for
execute stored procedures
Output parameters and return
New England, provides a
payment. Although more
using .NET.
values and use them in .NET
quick overview of all the
commonly than not e-Commerce
data source controls:
sites will use full credit
card processing gateways,
giving PayPal as an
additional option of payment
ObjectDataSource, and
provides additional payment
SiteMapDataSource as well as
options for your customers,
the declarative caching
especially those that don't
properties you can use with
want to pay by credit card
the controls.
over the Internet. If you
run a Web shop that uses
direct credit card
processing and want to
integrate PayPal seamlessly,
you'll find that using
PayPal as a processing
service is not as straight
forward as using a payment
gateway. In this article I
describe how you can
minimize the external PayPal
interaction and work the
PayPal payment into the
order processing workflow to
provide a seamless interface
using ASP.NET and C#.
However, the principles used
here should be applicable to
any Web programming

Date: Nov, 23 2004

Date: Nov, 15 2004

Date: Nov, 15 2004

Date: Nov, 10 2004
I've been working on a
Recently, I had a requirement
At my place of employment, I
Learn how to serialize .NET
financial reporting project
to put together a website
work a great deal with
classes to Xml at runtime
lately and came upon the
that deals with taking
somewhat complex
idea of bringing our charts
somewhat elaborate financial
hierarchical data as part of
from ChartFX.NET to life.
surveys. While the
our measurement and analysis
The idea being that we could
questions and answers
software. Thus, recursion
dynamically review each
themselves are good
and I have become rather
pixel's color in the chart
candidates for being
close friends over the last
in order to generate an HTML
database driven, there were
few years. While rewriting
image map on the fly. This
a large number of nuiances
an old website, I needed to
would enable us to apply
ranging from UI items,
turn a set of four
supporting documentation in
business rules, and
relational tables into a
the form of links or
calculations that just
hierarchical data structure.
JavaScript functions to
didn't fit into a database
The top level table held
perform some sort of action
driven strategy. With this
when the user moves their
in mind, my initial strategy
relationships as well as
mouse over the chart or
was to create version
child relationships to table
clicks a section of it.
specific classes and
2. Tables 3 and 4 were your
reference them in version
basic "run of the
specific ASP.NET pages. Of
mill" child tables up
course, this accomplished
through table2.
the initial requirement.
However, whenever a new
version needs to be
implemented, I had to copy
all of the ASP.NET pages and
modify the references to the
appropriate version specific
class name. Refactoring
provides a better
alternative and here's how:

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004
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