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Tips and Tutorials


Oracle 10g DBA Free Training

Hits: 469

Oracle 9i Tutorials

Hits: 1372

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training

Hits: 549
This course enables learners
Course Description: This
This tutorial explains about
Oracle Applications 11i-
to gain a conceptual
course introduces students
using Rapid install to
(Technical) training with
understanding of the Oracle
to data server technology,
install Oracle Applications
step by step instructions
database architecture and
and explores the concepts of
on any machine. With Rapid
along wit hscreen shots.
how its components work and
relational databases and the
Install, you can perform
Check the link for topics to
interact with one another.
powerful SQL and PL/SQL
these operations: Install a
be covered in this course.
You will learn how to create
programming languages.
new, fully configured Oracle
After successful completion
an operational database and
Students will learn and
Applications system,
of this course one can
properly manage the various
practice how to create and
including the latest
acquire required skills for
structures in an effective
maintain database objects.
certified Oracle
an Oracle Application
and efficient manner
You will also learn to
Applications technology
(Technical) Consultant. Few
including performance
store, retrieve, and
stack and all patches,
topics are Introduction to
monitoring, database
manipulate data. Finally,
mini-packs, family packs,
security, user management,
you will learn how to create
and other updates available
covers Definition,overview
and backup/recovery
PL/SQL blocks of application
at the time of this release.
of popular ERPs.,Comparison
techniques. All these
code that can be used in
Lay down the file system and
of Oracle Apps with other
tutorials are prepared
Oracle forms, reports, and
configure server processes
ERP,Oracle application
exclusively for Exforsys.com
other Oracle applications.
for an upgraded system and
concepts,Internet computing
by Oracle Professionals and
Install a new database tier
Certified DBA's. Feel free
or application tier
to post any questions you
technology stack.
might have during this
training in our forums. Let
us know if you have any
specific topics in mind
which are not covered. You
also will learn salient
aspects of Oracle Database
10g such as user and data
management. The basic
aspects of database
management such as database
integrity constraints,
transferring data, and
defining tables and schemas
has been discussed at length.

Date: May, 24 2005

Date: Feb, 26 2005

Date: May, 25 2005

Date: May, 24 2005
Prepare for your next Oracle
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
Demonstrates how to use
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
DBA Interview. Find over 800
Overview of Server Controls
custom validation on a form
Personalization: User
interview questions with
- In this tutorial you will
by checking to see if a
Profiles and Themes - In
detailed answers covering
go through an overview of
string in a TextBox is not
this tutorial you will learn
the following topics. Oracle
server controls, adaptive
the same with a string from
about Personalization - User
Basics, Oracle Database
rendering, control state,
an array (or database), case
Profiles and Themes, Inbuilt
Administration, Oralce
new controls such as
in which it displays 'This
providers in ASP.NET 2.0 and
Memory Management Interview
Multiview control, Wizard
name is already taken'.
also Create and execute a
Questions, SQL Plus
control, BulletedList,
Shopping cart application
Interview Questions, Oracle
DynamicImage and the
with Personalization
Scenarios, SQLInterview
FileUpload Control.
features. Surfers would love
Questions , Oracle Concepts
to see on the website the
and Architecture Interview
content which is customized
Questions, Oracle
to their needs. ASP.NET
Architecture Interview
offers a personalization
Questions , Oracle Data
feature which enables users
Access Interview Questions,
to do just that.
Programmatic Constructs,
Database security Interview
Questions, Distributed
Processing Interview
Questions, Backup and
Recovery Interview
Questions, Oracle Forms
Interview Questions, PL/SQL
Interview Questions, DBA
Interview Questions and D2K
Interview Questions.

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Sep, 23 2005
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