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Tips and Tutorials


All about Microsoft .NET

Hits: 905
In this article we will cover
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
Learn the difference between
This programming tutorial
exposing an existing ASP.Net
Advanced Site Functionality
Classic ASP techniques and
covers the basics of
application as a Web
- In this tutorial you will
the new Templating method in
Microsoft .NET environment
service. We will provide
learn advanced site
and its architecture. It
methods for creating the Web
functionality, Enhanced Page
includes NET
service, converting readers
Framework, To create the
Implementations Common
to data sets, and a client
Web.Sitemap file, Tracking
Language Runtime Framework
application for the new
Traffic with Site Counters
Class Libraries Common
and Going Mobile.
Language Specification (CLS)
.NET Framework Namespaces

Date: Jan, 16 2004

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Jan, 16 2004

Date: May, 02 2006
The tutorial covers what is
Well by now many of you have
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials:
In order to facilitate ease
.NET, what is ASP.NET and
probably heard, or at least
Application development in
of development and
why use ASP.NET
caught wind of, the fact
.NET : Client Side
deployment of applications,
that the next version of ASP
the .NET framework provides
is not going to be ASP 4.0.
Development Client
the user with a number of
It is instead going to be
applications are
tools. All these tools can
called ASP+, and what a
applications that run on the
be run from the command line
difference that plus sign
client system-or the desktop
with the exception of the
makes. This article
of the user. They are
Assembly Cache Viewer
describes the new ASP in a
closest to the traditional
(Shfusion.dll) and the
great detail. Topics
windows based applications
Microsoft CLR Debugger
include: The New ASP+
and they display forms or
(DbgCLR.exe). In order to
Infrastructure, Increased
windows on the desktop
ensure that these tools
Performance, Greater
enabling the user perform
function optimally the user
Scalability, Quicker and
predefined tasks. Word
has to set the Path, Include
Easier Development, Easier
processors and spread sheets
and Lib environment
Manageability, Improved
are examples of client
variables by running
Security, Language Support,
applications that employ
SDKVars.bat in the
and Web Services.
menus, GUI elements and
/v.2.0/Bin directory and
access local resources such
executing it in the command
as printers and scanners.

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Jul, 18 2000

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005
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