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ASP.NET 2.0 in 10 Minutes

Hits: 1151
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
Watch Thomas Lewis, Technical
SqlDataSource Control - In
State Management And Caching
The GridView Control - In
Evangelist for ASP.NET 2.0,
this tutorial you will learn
in ASP.NET 2.0 - In this
this tutorial you will learn
give you his top-of-mind
about The Data Source Wizard
tutorial you will learn
about GridView Control,
perspective on salient
- SqlDataSource Control, the
about Cache Dependency,
features of the GridView
features of ASP.NET 2.0 in
process of setting up the
SqlCache Dependency, New
control, GridView supported
this 10 minute video.
data source. DataSource
methods added to the
field types and Creating a
controls enable programmers
CacheDependency Class and
GridView control on a Page.
to declaratively connect
The process of writing the
The GridView control is the
data sources to the user
cache dependency file. The
official successor to the
interface. The logic for
performance of any web
DataGrid control of
retrieving the data from the
application is incumbent
yesteryears. It is no longer
source is inbuilt into the
upon the amount of server
listed in the toolbox, even
side processing that is
though it is supported by
ASP.NET 2.0.

Date: Sep, 27 2005

Date: Sep, 24 2005

Date: Sep, 27 2005

Date: Dec, 02 2004
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
ASP.NET 2.0 Training :
ASP.NET 2.0 Training :
learn about Page Object
learn about reference Master
ASP.NET Security - In this
Customizing the Session
Model, the Attributes of the
Page Mebers, add property to
tutorial you will learn
State Mechanism - In this
@Page directive, the
Master Page, expose Master
about ASP.NET 2.0 Security,
tutorial you will learn
properties of the Page
Properties. Members of
The Security Architecture of
about Extending the Session
Class, Methods of the Page
the Master page can be
ASP.NET 2.0, The security
State Mechanism, The Default
Class, Page Class Events and
referenced by content pages.
infrastructure and subsystem
Session State Mechanism and
the Page Scripting Object
These members can be
relationships of the ASP.NET
its customization,
methods, properties or
and the sequence of events
Customizing the Session
controls. The constraint for
that occur when a
State Module and Writing a
property reference is theat
authentication is sought.
custom session state module.
the property has to be
When we talk of ‘security’
declared as public members
we are basically
of the master page. They
acknowledging that there is
could be public page scope
a possibility of
variables, public propertis
and public methods. Let us
work out a simple example.
The developer wants to set
the title of a content page
or to add a style sheet on a
per page basis. Code will
have to be added to the
Page_Load event. The Header
property on the Page class
exposes the content of
the< head > tag as
programmable entities.

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: Sep, 24 2005

Date: Sep, 24 2005
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