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Getting started with ASP.NET 2.0

Hits: 1109

Handling cookies in ASP .NET

Hits: 758
ASP.NET 2005 is part of a
This tutorial explains about
Explains how to simulate
How to create a cookie, how
whole suite of applications
Oracle Apps login, Choosing
hidden column in GridView
to get the value stored in a
and user interfaces that are
Responsibility, Choosing
control. GridView is one of
cookie, set the lifetime,
packed under the banner of
Function / Opening Form,
the new controls in ASP.Net
path and domain for a
Visual Studio.NET 2005. Code
Switch Responsibility, Query
2.0 that replaced the
cookie, edit a cookie,
named as Whidbey, the entire
Form and Keyboard Shortcuts.
DataGrid. In earlier
delete a cookie, remove
package is still being
This chapter would tell a
versions of .Net when you
subkeys from a cookie...
tested and the final version
user about the basics of
didn't want the data to be
is slotted to be released
login to the Oracle
visible to the client, you
late this year. The suite
Applications instance. It
simply set the Column
includes the .NET Framework;
would also demonstrate the
visibility to False. But, if
user interfaces like Windows
basics of working with
you try that with ASP.NET
forms, ASP.NET and Compact
Oracle Applications. To
2.0 GridView control, it
framework; Official
understand the complete
will return only empty
languages like C#, J# and
functionality of a
Visual Basic.NET; Integrated
particular responsibility
Development Environment
please refer to the
(IDE) like Visual Studio.NET.
respective User Guide.

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 24 2005

Date: Sep, 08 2006

Date: Nov, 30 -1
This tutorial should be
At my place of employment, I
It simply shows how to bind a
This article walks you
considered as an
work a great deal with
DataGrid to an array using
through the process of
introductary summary to
somewhat complex
C# code.
building a thin-client
handling sessions in
hierarchical data as part of
ASP.NET bug tracking
asp.net. It looks at the
our measurement and analysis
application, with a
common problems with
software. Thus, recursion
Microsoft Access XP backend.
sessions complete with
and I have become rather
It uses nearly every
solutions to the problems.
close friends over the last
documented capability of the
Features example code and
few years. While rewriting
.NET datagrid web server
full explaination.
an old website, I needed to
control to allow you to
turn a set of four
select, edit, update, or
relational tables into a
delete any item listed in
hierarchical data structure.
the datagrid. The Issue
The top level table held
Tracker uses advanced
features, such as reading
relationships as well as
values from lookup tables,
child relationships to table
and then conveniently
2. Tables 3 and 4 were your
providing these values to
basic "run of the
the user in Edit mode as
mill" child tables up
dropdownlists. It also
through table2.
employs the IE Web Controls,
including the Tab and
MultiPane web controls,
which allow you to display
considerable user
functionality on only one
web page, yet without
cluttering the user
interface with confusing
complexity. After working
through this tutorial, you
will have explored and
applied all of the main
functionalities of the
ASP.NET DataGrid control.
Happy Coding!

Date: Feb, 03 2006

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: May, 19 2005
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