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Tips and Tutorials


Executing queries on XMLDBelt

Hits: 957
A complete research of using
This tiny demo source code
Learn how to extend an
File uploading has always
an Enter key in ASP.NET,
will give you a hint about
ASP.NET control to hold an
been a tedious task for the
submiting a form or how to
how to query data stored on
unlimited number of
web developer community.
get specific button
your server via XMLDB Engine
additional values in
Either we have to use a
"clicked" when
Lite (XMLDBelt), create new
ViewState to avoid expensive
third party component or
visitor hits an Enter key.
files, insert data into
re-querying of the database.
write several lines of code.
That could be in case that
existed, update data, delete
With the advent of ASP.Net
you want to build Login
and etc.
file uploading has become a
screen, web site search,
lot easier, importantly
pool or all of that on the
without the need for third
same page.
party components. All we
have to do is to use the
ASP.Net HTML File control
and write a few lines of C#

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Feb, 25 2002
A comprehensive tutorial on
A comprehensive tutorial on
Explains how to set focus in
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
uploading files to Microsoft
uploading files to server
ASP.NET controls (e.g.
Forms Authentication in
Access database using
hard disk using built-in
button or textbox) using
ASP.NET 2.0 - In this
built-in ASP.NET server
ASP.NET server controls.
ASP.NET server side code or
tutorial you will learn
controls. Describes how to
Describes how to upload more
client side javascript.
about Forms Authentication
upload one or more file to
than one file? how to upload
Tutorial includes review of
in ASP.NET 2.0 - Forms
Access database? how to
only image files? how to
focus in ASP.NET 2.0 too.
Authentication class, Cookie
insert and retrieve binary
retrieve other form
Domain, Forms Cookies, The
data from an Access
non-binary field values? how
Login Control, Signin,
database? how to view and
to view and delete files
Signout, Authenticate,
delete files uploaded on the
uploaded on the server? how
Redirect, Login Status,
Access database?
to force user to download a
Login Name and Login View
file without viewing it? how
to expose correct file name
to the user browser instead
of a generic file.aspx? how
to retrieve correct
content-type for the file
from system registry? how to
set/unset max file upload
size limit per folder of
your application?

Date: Mar, 17 2003

Date: Feb, 27 2003

Date: Jan, 09 2006

Date: Sep, 27 2005
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