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File Uploading with ASP.NET


File Uploading with ASP.NET

Hits: 820
A comprehensive tutorial on uploading files to server hard disk using built-in ASP.NET server controls. Describes how to upload more than one file? how to upload only image files? how to retrieve other form non-binary field values? how to view and delete files uploaded on the server? how to force user to download a file without viewing it? how to expose correct file name to the user browser instead of a generic file.aspx? how to retrieve correct content-type for the file from system registry? how to set/unset max file upload size limit per folder of your application?
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Feb, 27 2003
Author: http://www.stardeveloper.com/articles/display.html?article=2003022601&page=1


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