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ASP.NET Debugging

Hits: 1001
ASP.NET provides three
Every community site will
ASP.NET provides extensive
If you developed an ASP.NET
primary forms of caching:
have different requirements
tracing and debugging
page and receive an error
page level output caching,
to fulfill. Although the
capabilities, an area that
page form your locale ISS,
user control level output
existing CSK framework
has been neglected for web
you should check your setup.
caching (or fragment
offers a great deal of
developers in the past. With
Cause, ISS tries to validate
caching), and the Cache API.
flexibility, having the
its new compilation model,
web clients for authorized.
Output caching and fragment
entire source code available
debugging a page becomes as
Normally a web client 's
caching have the advantage
means you can add additional
natural as debugging any
session sets Anounymous
of being incredibly simple
functionality to a site in
other application.
account. So you should check
to implement, and are
an elegant manner. In this
NTFS permissions and set
sufficient in many cases.
chapter, we will concentrate
correct permissions for .NET
The cache API provides
on creating a new module for
setup directory.
additional flexibility
the CSK. We will see how
(quite a lot, in fact), and
creating a new module allows
can be used to take
you to add entirely new
advantage of caching
features which integrate
throughout every application.
seamlessly with the rest of
the framework. In this
chapter, we will implement a
Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) module.

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Mar, 22 2006
This video illustrates how
This video introduces a
Learn how to secure a Web
This Tips & Tricks video
simple it is to create
number of the new ASP.NET
site using the new
covers many useful
data-driven web sites using
2.0 controls for building
Membership and Roles
techniques for enhancing
Visual Web Developer 2005
forms to collect information
features of ASP.NET 2.0.
ASP.NET 2.0 web sites using
Express Edition, ASP.NET
from the user, validate that
Topics include user
Visual Web Developer 2005
2.0, and SQL Server 2005
information, then send a
registration, password
Express Edition. Topics
Express Edition. See the
confirmation e-mail message.
recovery, and restricting
include encrypting sensitive
integrated data editing
Features covered include the
access to content with
information stored in
support provided by Visual
Wizard control, Validation
roles. Get a tour of how the
web.config, maintaining the
Web Developer that
controls, and the
Web Site Administration Tool
browser scroll position
simplifies database creation
System.Net.Mail classes for
simplifies user account
across postbacks, posting
and population using the
sending e-mail messages.
administration and makes it
content to a different page,
Database Explorer and
easy to control content
setting focus on a specific
DataSet Designer. Explore
access permissions.
control when a page is
how easy it is to create a
loaded, creating a bulleted
master-details view with
list of hyperlinks from an
support for filtering,
XML file, working with the
sorting, paging, and editing
file upload control,
with no code using the
simplifying complex URLs
DropDownList, GridView,
using URL remapping, and
DetailsView, and
using the MultiView control
ObjectDataSource controls.
to switch between groups of
content programmatically.

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Oct, 28 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006
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