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Tips and Tutorials


Converting ASP to ASP.NET

Hits: 922

Cookies in ASP.NET

Hits: 807
The objective of this lab is
This article begins with an
We probably all remember how
I've been working on a
to convert a simple JSP
examination of a typical
agonizing it is to create
financial reporting project
application into an ASP.NET
data-driven ASP application
client-side cookies using
lately and came upon the
application using the Java
and then explains how to do
JavaScript. HttpCookie class
idea of bringing our charts
Language Conversion
a minimalistic port from ASP
offers an easier way to
from ChartFX.NET to life.
Assistant (JLCA). The JSP
to ASP.NET and steps and
accomplish the task and with
The idea being that we could
application is a simplified
tips on converting your
minimal fuss. This article
dynamically review each
e-commerce scenario,
application fully to
takes a close look at
pixel's color in the chart
consisting of two JSP pages,
ASP.NET. Topics
HttpCookie class and how to
in order to generate an HTML
a Servlet, a tag library
covered: Running ASP and
use it to store cookies on
image map on the fly. This
consisting of a single tag,
Microsoft ASP.NET on the
the client machine.
would enable us to apply
and the SQL Server Pubs
same Web server, Examining a
supporting documentation in
common ASP application, and
the form of links or
Porting the ASP application
JavaScript functions to
perform some sort of action
when the user moves their
mouse over the chart or
clicks a section of it.

Date: Feb, 19 2004

Date: Nov, 14 2001

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
Using an ASHX handler for
The tutorial shows you how to
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
Creating an ASP.NET 2.0
optimal performance we
create stored procedures,
Creating Content for Master
Application - In this
create a system for feed RSS
after which you'll see how
Page - In this tutorial you
tutorial you will learn how
out of your database driven
to use stored procedures in
will learn how to create
to Create an ASP.NET 2.0
site. Explains RSS xml
an ASP .NET web application.
contents for a Master Page,
Application, Examining the
format and gives you extra
create a home page, add
Interface, The Hello World
caching tips.
contents to home page and
Application, Designing Web
finally test the home page.
Forms, The Embedded Web
Server and Important folders
in the ASP.NET 2.0

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Sep, 01 2006

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Sep, 22 2005
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