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Tips and Tutorials

VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
Implementing Class Library
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
Differences between VB.NET
Introducing Windows Forms.
Object in VB.NET 2005
Visual Studio.NET
1.0 and VB.NET 2.0: VB.NET
We will be learning in the
Class: Classical Object
Namespaces The .NET
2005 comes with a number of
next series of articles as
Oriented Concepts explain a
Framework class library has
enhancements. The
part of VB.NET 2005 Free
class as a cookie cutter. A
thousands of classes which
IntelliSense Code snippets,
Training : Introducing
class allows you to create
are needed for developing
the Windows Forms designer
Windows Forms in the
objects of the class. As a
and deploying solutions. In
updates, IntelliSense
following topics with code
programmer you define a
order to organize all those
filtering, debugger data
samples and screen shots.
class with data fields,
classes for ease of use .NET
tips, exception Assistant
properties, methods and
Framework uses namespaces.
etc make the software a
events. Then you can create
This Gives the Classes their
pleasure to work with. The
objects based on that class
own space and prevents
language has been spruced up
that have state (fields,
conflicts between the
with generics, unsigned
properties) and behavior
various names in these
types, Operator overloading
(methods, events). A class
classes. For instance if two
can be considered as a
classes contain a method
specification of how the
Paint(), then to avoid
object of the class should
conflicts in names we can
look like and behave.
place these classes in two
different namespaces. Thus
namespaces allow classes to
be grouped in a consistent,
hierarchical manner.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
VB.NET 2005 Free Training :
VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
Exploring the Forms Designer
VB.NET 2005 Free Training:
Visual Studio.NET Namespaces
Windows Forms Designer
generated code - As you
Using Application Class and
- The .NET Framework class
Window - Using The
create a new project in the
Message Class - Visual Basic
library has thousands of
Visual Basic, the IDE
2005 introduces a speedy way
classes which are needed for
class System.Windows
generally automatically adds
to access many important
developing and deploying
.Forms.Form class is the
lots of lines of code on its
classes relating to the
solutions. In order to
foundation class for all
own. Visual Basic 2005 comes
Computer on which the
organize all those classes
forms to be created. All the
with an option to skip over
application is running, the
for ease of use .NET
forms that are created in VB
this behavior of the Visual
user running it, the
Framework uses namespaces.
.NET are also inheriting
Basic IDE. The default
application itself, its
This Gives the Classes their
from this base class. This
option comes with this
forms and any associated web
own space and prevents
class provides for all the
behavior enabled.
services. The best part of
conflicts between the
facilities needed for the
it all is that you can
various names in these
form. Additional
access it all using the new
classes. For instance if two
functionality can be added
My object. The new My object
classes contain a method
by separate codes.
has added features that help
Paint(), then to avoid
the programmer to gain
conflicts in names we can
access to some functionality
place these classes in two
that was really hard to
different namespaces. Thus
namespaces allow classes to
be grouped in a consistent,
hierarchical manner.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005
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