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Tips and Tutorials


ASP.NET Security

Hits: 558

Introduction to ASP.NET

Hits: 1041

HTTP Architecture for ASP.NET

Hits: 915
A comprehensive tutorial on
The CLR provides a security
ASP.NET is a managed
ASP.NET is built on a core
viewing, adding, editing and
model which is layered on
framework that facilitates
set of classes and
removing records from MySQL
top of that provided by the
building server-side
interfaces that abstract the
database using ASP.NET
underlying operating system.
applications based on HTTP,
HTTP protocol. The three
DataGrid control. Provides
It acts as another
core abstractions are the
thorough coverage of ADO.NET
"hurdle" one must
developers, ASP.NET is a
context (HttpContext) that
data access techniques and
cross in order to access
platform that provides
represents the current HTTP
user data input validation
various resources and
one-stop shopping for all
request, handlers (classes
using ASP.NET validation
application development that
that implement IHttpHandler)
requires the processing of
that are capable of
HTTP requests.
servicing HTTP requests, and
modules (classes that
implement IHttpModule) that
can pre/post process HTTP
requests to provide
additional services.

Date: Jun, 09 2003

Date: May, 30 2003

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: May, 28 2003
This step-by-step tutorial
This session will give you
In this paper you will learn
With the advent of .NET,
makes use of over 20 images
the opportunity to learn the
about: IIS Fundamentals, ASP
support for ASP.NET
to describe every step in
basics of building mobile
- where it falls short, CLR
development has been fully
detail from obtaining,
web applications with
Basics, ASP.NET Basics,
integrated into Visual
installing, configuring and
ASP.NET Mobile Controls. See
ASP.NET and OOP and Type
Studio .NET. It provides an
running MySQL on Windows to
how the control model and
extremely powerful and
insalling/uninstalling MySQL
drag and drop designer make
usable environment for
as a Windows service,
it easy to target nearly 200
ASP.NET development in the
creating a new table,
devices (cell phones, PDAs
guise of Web Forms, as well
populating it with some
and pagers) from a single
as the more traditional
records and displaying those
mobile web form. Find out
types of application
records in an ASP.NET page.
what the adaptive rendering
(Windows Forms). And now
Also explains the advantages
and rich customization and
Visual Studio .NET is joined
of using MySQL on Windows
extensibility models can do
by another Microsoft
with ASP.NET. All the code
for your mobile web
product, namely the
is available for download.
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix
Project (referred to from
here on in as "Web

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: May, 28 2003

Date: May, 21 2003

Date: May, 19 2003
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