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Tips and Tutorials


Dynamic Controls with Events

Hits: 464

MS SQL RD4 Encryption

Hits: 437
This pack learns how to
This pack contains: a
This is a simple RD4
Comprehensive tutorial on
create an array of server
document that describes the
encryption stored procedure.
uploading image files,
controls dynamically and
techniques users can employ
It's nice because it uses
determing size ( in bytes ),
capture their events. Source
to author and consume custom
the same procedure to
type ( bmp, jpg, gif ),
Web controls for ASP.NET Web
encrypt and decrypt and it
width and height ( in pixels
applications using Visual
beats using a cast as
) of these images, imposing
Studio.NET; a presentation
restrictions to allow images
about Server and User
of only certain size, width
Controls in ASP.NET and
and height to get uploaded
source code.
and to resize ( create
thumbnails of ) these images.

Date: May, 16 2003

Date: May, 15 2003

Date: May, 01 2003

Date: Apr, 07 2003
The second article from
An article which discusses
The label "web
A comprehensive tutorial on
William Fawthrop (aka
the similarites between
services," as broadly
uploading files to Microsoft
Informant) will discuss in
different technologies of
applied, has two levels of
Access database using
detail what Fields and
J2EE and .NET and helps you
meaning—one specific and one
built-in ASP.NET server
Properties are and how to
to move from J2EE to .NET.
conceptual. Specifically,
controls. Describes how to
properly implement them into
Quick tips to get you
web services are a stack of
upload one or more file to
your applications. We will
started, in case you need to
emerging standards that
Access database? how to
start off Discussing common
migrate a J2EE based
describe a service-oriented,
insert and retrieve binary
coding practices and how
application to a .NET based
component-based application
data from an Access
they differ in .NET.
architecture. Conceptually,
database? how to view and
Specifically property
web services represent a
delete files uploaded on the
syntax. Informant has been a
model in which discrete
Access database?
developer for about 5 years
tasks within e-business
now and developing in C# for
processes are distributed
about 1 year. He has created
widely throughout a value
a number of freeware
software solutions(SQL
X-ecuter,Simple ASP.NET Web
Server, etc) as well as
working fulltime for
PCSTop.com as Lead
Developer. He specializes in
.NET migration as well as
creative solutions in the
.NET framework.

Date: Mar, 31 2003

Date: Mar, 31 2003

Date: Mar, 31 2003

Date: Mar, 17 2003
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