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Tips and Tutorials


Sending emails with ASP .NET

Hits: 947

Delegates in C#

Hits: 386
In this article, you'll see
A complete research of using
Most programmers are used to
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
how sending email with
an Enter key in ASP.NET,
passing data in methods as
GridView Filtering - In this
ASP.NET is possible and then
submiting a form or how to
input and output
tutorial you will learn how
we'll go deeper to see how
get specific button
parameters. Imagine a
to add a filter to a Grid
you can use HTML emails or
"clicked" when
scenario where you wish to
View Control, To modify the
include attachments.
visitor hits an Enter key.
pass methods around to other
query with a parameterized
That could be in case that
methods instead of data.
filter, the WHERE Clause,
you want to build Login
Amazed! Read further.
Parameter properties,
screen, web site search,
Parameter Value Editor and
pool or all of that on the
To test filtering. Adding
same page.
Filtering - If the developer
wants to display only
selected data in a page, the
query for the SqlDataSource
control will have to be

Date: Dec, 15 2005

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Training :
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials :
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials :
Adding Sorting and Paging in
Using a Grid to Display
DataBound Controls - Details
Displaying Master-Detail
GridView - In this tutorial
Detail Information - In this
View - In this tutorial you
Data on Separate Pages - In
you will learn adding
tutorial you will learn how
will learn DetailView
this tutorial you will learn
sorting and paging in a
to use a GridView Control to
DataBound Control, To create
how to display Master-Detail
GridView Control, Implement
display the details of the
a file system Web site,
Data on Separate Pages,
Two Column Sorting, Create
item selected in the
Connecting to SQL Server,
create the details page,
Code for Custom Sorting,
DropDown list and test the
Use a Drop-Down List as the
test the pages and Allow
Editing the GridView control
page. We shall now use a
Master and To test the
Editing, Deleting, and
data, Deleting Displayed
GridView to display the
drop-down list. The
Inserting Using a
Records, Inserting Records
details of the item selected
DetailsView is a control
DetailsView DataBound
and Using Templates.
in the DropDown list.
that is complementary to the
GridView control. It has
been introduced in ASP.NET
2.0 to provide an ability to
work with a single record or
row from an associated data

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005
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