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Introduction to ASP.NET

Hits: 941
ASP.NET 2.0 Training :
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
ASP.NET is a managed
Working with Web Parts - In
learn about new features in
learn the procedure for
framework that facilitates
this tutorial you will learn
Data Access, Data binding,
Installing Visual Studio.NET
building server-side
about Understanding Web
The XPathBinder,
2.0 starting with minimum
applications based on HTTP,
Parts, Building pages with
XPathBinder.Eval, Connection
system requirements, runtime
Web Parts, Web Part Display
Strings, The factory class,
setup and side by side
developers, ASP.NET is a
Modes, Advantages of using
Batch operations,
platform that provides
WebParts, To create a new
Asynchronous Commands, SQL
one-stop shopping for all
Web site using WebParts, The
Bulk Copy, ColumnMappings,
application development that
Web.config File and Adding
Enhancements to SQL Server
requires the processing of
the WebPartManager Control.
2005, ADO.NET Class
HTTP requests.
DataTableReader, Serializing
a DataTable, The
RemotingFormat and Managing
Views of Data.

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 28 2003
Asp.net applications can be
This is the first tutorial as
Out of the box, ASP.NET is a
This article discusses
easily configured by using
part of the Visual Basic
very powerful platform for
different options you as a
web.config files. You can
.NET 2005 Training. In this
writing XML Web Services.
developer have in ASP.NET to
store number of things in
tutorials we will be
But what happens when you
send data from one ASP.NET
the configuration file.
learning about the basics of
need to format the XML to
page to another. Since you
Let's see some important
The .NET Framework
match an existing XML
cannot use ASP.NET Web
stuff that can be stored in
Architecture, The .NET
grammar? Not surprisingly,
this file.
vision, Common Language
this can be accomplished
Runtime (CLR), .NET
using the XML Serialization
in such a scenario (which
Framework Class Library and
Engine. In the first part of
only allow posting back of
Microsoft Intermediate
this two-part article,
data to the same page), this
Language (MSIL). It's very
Justin Rudd shows you the
article discusses other ways
important to learn the
basics of the engine as well
like using HttpContext
basics before we actually
as how the engine works with
start with the Programming.
The .NET framework is a
software technology that is
directed towards connecting
information, people, systems
and devices seamlessly. The
high level of software
integration that has been
attempted through use of XML
web services enables the
creation of small, discrete,
building block types of
applications. These
applications are connected
to other applications over
the Internet.

Date: May, 30 2006

Date: May, 27 2005

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2003
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