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World Time Map

Hits: 507

Xilisoft Audio Converter

Hits: 1199

Xilisoft DVD Ripper

Hits: 845

Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter

Hits: 585
World Time Map is a very
Xilisoft Audio Converter is
Xilisoft DVD Ripper helps you
Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter is
useful utility for everyone
an all-in-one audio
rip your DVD to VCD, SVCD,
an exclusive MP3 and WAV
who deals with people abroad
converter. It can extract
DivX, MPEG, AVI etc. format
encoder with friendly
or anybody who is kin on
the audio tracks from
within a few clicks.
interface and lots of useful
knowing what time it is
Supports ripping by custom
features. The converter
further then locally.
ASF and save them as any
file size, as well as
supports WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG,
USFlashMap proposes a new
popular audio formats like
spliting output file to fit
AAC, FLAC, APE, VQF etc. as
addition of World Time Map
your CD-R if you would like
the input formats and
that shows even more
to burn to VCD. Also you can
converts them to the most
locations that in previous
rip any segment of a DVD.
popular audio formats MP3
version. Now it is more then
With it, you will get the
and WAV. Supports copy ID3
50 cities around the world
exact video and audio
tag between formats, so that
where you can check time
effects as you want.
you can easily transfer all
simply by pointing your
of the most useful tag
mouse. You may place it
fields from one format to
either on one of your
website’s pages or put a
banner, which would display
slide show of current time
in different cities and link
to the full version of World
Time Map in the pop-up
window. Clear and
eye-catching design will
make it suitable for any

Date: Dec, 05 2005

Date: Nov, 01 2004

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Jul, 12 2006
Export your UML diagrams to
Zooms in using Actionscript
The XML Flash Slideshow v2
Zinc v2.5 is the industry
XMI version 1.0 or 1.2
2.0 commands and a single
Extension for Dreamweaver
leading SWF2EXE application
format. and then use this
image. You do not even
allows you to easily create
- Create, Build and Deploy
tool to create the stub code
need to OWN a copy of Flash
Flash Slideshows in
real Desktop Applications
(.as files) in their proper
if you want to use these
Dreamweaver MX, or MX
based upon the Macromedia
namespaces. Features
files "as is".
2004. You can load any
Flash Format! Available for
1.Support for inheritence
(SWF + XML Text File + Your
jpeg images of any size, and
Windows, Mac OSX and Pocket
(extends) 2.Support for
Image = Done) TWO
any quality. Using the easy
PC, Zinc v2.5 is the
complex Namespaces
Versions & their Source
to use Insertion Wizard, all
fastest, most powerful, most
3.Creation of folders in
Files for additional
you have to do is enter in
feature-packed Rapid
accordance to classes’
customization. Zoomer-1
the parameters and let the
Application Development tool
namespaces. 4.AS2DOC
- Zooms in like normal, but
Wizard create the slideshow.
for Adobe Flash and now
compatible standard
remains static (for
For more details, see the
includes Intel Mac
documentation copying from
controlling detail) until
Usage area, or the Samples
support!<br> The
XMI, Including documentation
you right click Zoom out or
area. The extension has
Mac OSX Edition is available
for methods params.
use the button. Just
many features - here are
as a "Standalone"
5.Creation of static
drop your image into a
just a few of them: *
for OSX users or a
variables required by
special directory, edit the
XML Powered * No
"Plug-In" for
text/XML file that comes
server-side requirements
Zinc™ v2.5 Windows users,
6.Creation of constructor
with this and the file
* Macromedia Flash Display
which provides the
7.Recognition for static
automatically pulls the
for aesthetic appeal *
additional functionality to
methods 8.UI interface
image into it. Zoomer-2 -
User only must have Flash
export Mac OSX Projectors -
available in .Net 1.1 and
Allows you to click to zoom
Player 7 * Extremely
directly from Windows! No
for web as ASP. XSL which is
in, then move around the
customizable - Layout,
other software in the world
used for conversion is an
zoomed in image, then right
Fonts, Controls, and more -
provides true cross-platform
external file, thus you can
click to zoom out or hit the
see below for more *
export to both Windows and
extend it easily. 9.A
Very light-weight - 70KB
Mac OSX!<br> In
special dialog to select the
download once for entire
addition, the compiled Mac
classes you wish to export
site! ? * Easy to use
OSX Projectors retain as
from the file or altogether.
Edit Wizard allows you to
much functionality of the
instantly make changes
Windows projectors! This
* Loads &amp; resizes
includes support for over
images dynamically - View
150 Synchrnonous
Samples * Displays
{mdm}Script™ 2.0 Commands,
preloader while loading
Customizable Projector
images - View Samples *
Windows, Multi Form
Allows for captions
Applications and much, much
&amp; hyperlinks on all
more! Zinc™ v2.5 is the
images * Layout is XML
Ultimate SWF2EXE Application!
based, and can be completely
customized, including
padding * Customizable
dimensions * Image
thumbnails, both
left-to-right or
top-to-bottom *
Customizable control buttons
and labels - View Sample
* Support for MP3
background music, and
customizable volume - View
Sample * Customizable
background color and
transparency *
Customizable control
background color *
Multiple image transitions -
Blinds, Fade, Iris, Photo,
PixelDissolve, Wipe, or
Random * Wizards to
easily make changes *
All text fonts and colors
customizable * Supports
unlimited number of images
* Support for adding an
entire folder of images at
once * Customize the
number images that must load
before the slideshow
starts * Ability to
specify a custom XML source,
static or dynamic! *
Much, Much More! * Only
$12.00 USD

Date: Oct, 12 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Oct, 17 2006
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