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Gallery by Albert

Hits: 1864

Gallery by Andrei

Hits: 1819

Gallery by BrightIdea

Hits: 1953

Gallery by Dali

Hits: 1686
Category images are fully
Infinitely many categories
A sleek, book-style interface
Powerful and feature-rich
configurable using external
can be added to the gallery.
design make this gallery
interface includes options
JPG files. Please note that
New categories are
unqiue. Categories and
for automatic vertical and
these must be
automatically added to the
images are arrayed
horizontal image panning, as
non-progressive JPGs.
left-side column. If more
vertically, and infinitely
well as an option to view
Category tooltips are fully
categories are added than
many categories and images
more information about any
configurable... change
can be viewed, a scroller
are possible. Categories
image, and auto-loop through
tooltip text, color, alpha
(the small up and down
and images can be added,
any set of images. Image
transparency, text color,
arrows) are automatically
removed, and re-organized
gallery settings are loaded
and enable or disable the
added. Categories and
easily by editing an
externally, from an XML
tooltips from the
images are added using an
external XML configuration
configuration file. Options
convenience of an
XML configuration file,
file. Textpad
exist for setting thumbnail
externally-stored XML file.
which can be edited using
(www.textpad.com) or other
width and height display
Configure the path of all
any standard text editor,
common text editors can be
(number of images to show
folders - i.e., folders
like Textpad
used to edit the XML file.
vertically and
storing gallery images,
(www.textpad.com). Images
Bold, italic, and underline
horizontally), whether or
category images, and sound
are loaded externally, from
can be used with [b], [i],
not to allow HTML popups,
MP3 files. All images and
non-progressive JPG files.
and [u] tags in the XML
image delays, and (NEW!)
categories can be quickly
Please note that the files
file. All sounds are
watermarks! Now, instead of
reordered simply by editing
must be saved as
externally loaded from MP3
manually adding your
the XML configuration file.
non-progressive JPGs.
files, so you can change
watermark to every image,
You can easily add more
Infinitely many images per
them easily. All images
you can set the watermark in
images, remove images, and
category are possible.
are loaded into the SWF as
the XML file, and Flash will
change image captions with
Images are automatically
external JPGs. These must be
add the watermark text to
the convenience of a text
arrayed in the right-side
non-progressive JPG images.
every image. Over 3 dozen
editor. Textpad is the
panel. If more images are
External XML configuration
XML configuration options
recommended text editor:
added than can be fit in the
file allows you to quickly
are available for this
www.textpad.com The
viewable area, top and
modify the gallery settings
gallery, including options
information pages - i.e.,
bottom scrollers (the little
without requiring knowledge
to change the background
those links along the bottom
up aand down arrows) are
of Flash. The XML file is
music MP3 file, gallery
and the text associated with
added automatically. All
editable using most text
title, the default (first)
them - are fully
gallery sounds are stored as
editors, like Textpad
picture to display upon
configurable via the
external MP3 files. 100%
(www.textpad.com). 100% of
gallery loading, and much
external XML file. There is
of the Flash 2004 Pro.
the Flash 2004 Pro. source
more! Every sound in the
no limit to the number of
(Flash 7) source code is
code is included with your
gallery is fully
links that you can add along
included with your purchase.
purchase, including all .fla
configurable through
the bottom of the gallery.
If you can't find an XML
and .as files. If you can't
external MP3 files (must be
This allows your gallery to
configuration for what you
find an XML configuration
64 Kbps encoded). All menu
be used as the entire
need, then it's likely that
setting to do what you need,
options are fully
website, if you wish.
you'll be able to do it
you may be able to make the
configurable - and yes, you
Sounds are all externally
yourself by directly editing
necessary modification by
can remove the
configurable, and can be
the Flash source code
editing the Flash source
"About" popup
easily enabled or disabled.
(assuming knowledge of Flash
window via this XML file
All sound files are stored
programming). Over a dozen
(this is not recommended,
as MP3 files apart from the
configuration options are
though). Easily change the
primary SWF, and loaded at
available in the external
order of the menu items
run-time. Multiple text
XML configuration file.
simply by re-ordering the
options allow you to change
Please note that not all of
XML tags. Images and image
any aspect of the text,
these options are available
categories can be set via
including font size, color,
for this gallery, but many
the external XML
and alignment. You can also
are. More options are added
configuration file. Please
change the background fill
for each release.
note that the XML settings
colors. An important
must match the files names
feature of this gallery is
and folder names on the
that TWO sets of thumbnails
server, and that on Unix and
are required for each image:
Linux servers, this is
a black and white thumbnail,
case-sensitive! Only
and a color thumbnail. The
non-progressive JPG images
paths to these thumbnails
are allowed. With some
are specified in the XML
Flash 2004 Pro. knowledge,
file. Multiple different
you can add additional
transition effects are
gallery skins. This is a
possible, including Fade,
very advanced feature, and
Blinds, Wipe, Photo, Zoom,
is not recommended for
Squeeze, and PixelDissolve.
everyone, but you *can* do
There are also a dozen
it. Set the default volumne
different easing options for
and tint values through the
each transition effect.
external XML file, too.
All MP3 files are stored
Advanced image options
externally for easy changing
available in the "image
- you don't even have to
options" menu. These
know any Flash to do this!
options can be fully
Please note that MP3 files
configured via the external
should be 64kbps encoded
XML file (re-ordered or
disabled). Nearly every
interface color is
configurable through the XML
configuration file. In
short, it's easily to make
the gallery match your
website's color scheme.
100% of the Flash 2004 Pro.
source code (.fla and .as
files) included upon
purchase. Thus, even if you
can't do something via the
XML configuration file, you
can certainly do it by
editing the Flash files,
provided that you own the
Flash 7 authoring
environment. Zoom controls
allow you to zoom in or out,
and reset the zoom to 100%.
These options can be hidden
via the XML configuration
file. Advanced sound
options include: multiple
background MP3 tracks,
ability to change the volume
of the interface sounds or
the background music (or
both), ability to adjust the
speech volume in the case of
presentations, and skip /
pause / fast-forward /
rewind speeh tracks.
Instantly preview any image
simply by rolling-over the
image number at the bottom
of the screen. The full
image can then be loaded by
actually clicking on the

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005
Features All sounds are
Any image can link to an HTML
Gaupe is free, extensible
Glow v2 is a revolutionary
fully configurable using an
popup window. This feature
solution for development of
new way to use Flash Movies!
external XML file, which can
can be disabled in the XML
web applications with a
With Glow v2 you can create
be edited using any standard
configuration file. Popups
rich, Flash based,
awesome Active Desktop
text editor, like Windows
are auto-centered on the
dynamically generated
Wallpaper for Windows
Notepad or Textpad. All
user's screen. 100% of the
interface, using only a text
systems based upon the SWF
image descriptions, paths,
Flash 2004 Pro. source code
editor, and without
format. This means that you
and category names and
is included upon purchase,
installing anything on the
can now easily incorporate
images, are fully
including the .fla file and
server. You can think of
rich media, vector animation
configurable in the XML
all Actionscript 2.0 class
Gaupe as a way to
and even live data feeds
configuration file. All
files. All options are
dynamically generate Flash
into users desktops!
gallery text is fully
externally configurable in
applications from XML
Active Desktop, Active
configurable, for example
an XML file, which can be
markup, but without
Content! Using SWF files,
the top gallery title, and
easily edited using any
installing any server side
you can now introduce
the category text. You can
standard text editor, like
programs. Gaupe is
content on demand direct to
even use so-called
Windows Notepad or TextPad.
completely client side. It
your customers desktop with
"bb-code" like [b]
Many interface elements can
can be combined with any
minimum hassle! Broadcast
and [i] to insert italic and
be edited using the XML
server side technology to
live video, tickers,
bold effects. 3 possible
preferences file, including
create powerful web
reports... anything at all!
image transitions are
several tooltip options and
And all this directly to
available: horizontal wipe,
popup window options. view
your audiences desktop! Glow
vertical wipe, or both
Interface text is editable
v2 is incredibly easy to
horizontal and vertical
in the XML file, as well as
use. Simply customize the
wipes. The demo shows both
font sizes and colors.
settings to your Active
horizontal and vertical
Multiple transition
Desktop in the WYSIWYG
wipes enabled ("B"
effects are possible by
window, and Glow v2 will
setting in the XML
simply changing an option in
compile a fully customized
configuration). Tooltip
the XML file. Transition
setup file for Royalty Free
effects are available (but
effects include
can be disabled easily in
the XML configuration
file). Image popup
feature allows you to link
any image to a popup window
(an external HTML file,
"Squeeze", and
which comes with the gallery
"Pixel Dissolve".
code). Thumbnail and
All sounds are externally
image folders can be
configurable in an XML file,
specified in the XML file.
using MP3s. Images and
It's also possible to use
image categories are fully
the same folder for both, if
configurable in the XML
you don't feel like creating
file. Infinitely-many images
a bunch of separate
are possible in each
thumbnails. 100% of the
category, and
Flash 2004 Pro. source code
infinitely-many categories
is included with your
are possible. Category
purchase. Thus, if you can't
list automatically scrolls
find an XML option to do
when many categories are
what you need, you can
added. Thus, there is no
always just directly modify
limit to the number of
the Flash code, provided
categories that can be added
that you have the Flash 7
to the gallery.
authorinig environment.
Infinitely many categories
are possible, and infinitely
many images per category.

Date: Jun, 16 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: May, 03 2006

Date: Nov, 14 2005
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