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Creative Slide Show

Hits: 1037

Datagrid Extensions

Hits: 711


Hits: 892
Creative Slide Show is a web
Features: Selectively
Copy DVD movies with your CD
tool designed for easily
Navigation Menu from xml
change the background color
writer. Backup DVD to VCD,
creating flash slide shows,
offers multi-level Flash
of any cell. Multi-line
SVCD, MPEG, or AVI. Just put
presentations and banners
menu with fully customizable
editing, with Word Wrapping.
the DVD into the DVD drive,
for your HTML websites. The
text, font, link,
This is probably the most
a blank CD-R into the CD
product does not require
background, border style,
sought-after feature of the
writer, click 'Copy' and
Macromedia Flash or any
shadow style and pop-up
Flash datagrid, and which is
go. The program supports
flash knowledge. The
effects. All you need to do
sorely missing from
almost all popular CD
product enables the user to
is open the xml in any text
Macromedia's Datagrid
writers. Other features
put together multiple images
file editor and change the
distribution. Merge
include: multi-language
in order to create an
values and upload the swf
headers, change the
support, NTSC/PAL selection,
animated slide show with
with xml on your site and
background color of any
burning speed selection, CD
transition effects. Full
embed the menu tags on any
given header, and apply HTML
size selection. Only need
control over each slide,
WebPages. Use it on any
formatting to the cell
up to 2G hard disk space
over 50 customizable
number of pages or domains.
header text, like italic and
Small size,only 1MB
transition effects,
bold. Format all data in
customizable preloaders,
a given column. For example,
backgrounds, borders and
apply $ and ".00"
shadows are just a few of
formatting to price values
this product’s great
in a column. When clicked,
features. Creative Slide
the "true" value
Show also has an online
of the cell is displayed.
configurator available where
Nearly any format mask can
you can visually create your
be used. Add powerful
slide show online and easily
stylesheet support via
integrate it into your web
external CSS files. This
page. The product
allows even more flexibility
includes an advanced version
to the cell formatting than
that can be used with
can be used with the limited
dynamic content due to its
HTML support that comes
support for server-side
built-in to the datagrid.
technologies. Creative Slide
The DataGrid Extensions
Show supports 5 of the most
download comes with Flash 6
used server-side
AND Flash 7 versions. Some
technologies (PHP, ASP,
features, like CSS support,
ColdFusion, ASP.NET C# and
are only available in the
Flash 7 version. Add
powerful event handling to
any cell. For example, when
clicked, the cell data can
be passed to an Actionscript
function of your choice.
An advanced API is
included for your reference
(for Flash 7 extensions).
The Flash 6 version comes
with a text file that lists
all available functions.
Add horizontal scrolling
to your datagrid.
Convenient MXP installer
is provided (for Flash 7
version only), as well as
.fla examples. 100% of
the Flash source code is
included (Actionscript
source files). Thus, if you
need to do something which
isn't built-in to the
datagrid extensions, you may
be able to add it yourself,
provided that you have a
strong knowledge of
Actionscript. Add HTML
to any cell by setting the

Date: May, 25 2006

Date: Apr, 30 2004

Date: Jun, 19 2005

Date: Oct, 06 2004
Complete backup of DVD
In order to reduce the cost
Easy Hi-Q Recorder is the
Non-commercial service to
movies: With DVD Clone
in providing trainning and
easiest way to record
create a pretty impressive
Studio, you can back up an
increase efficiency, we
absolutely any sound in
Flash homepage in a few
entire movie - including
provide professional
real-time! Easy Hi-Q
mins. No knowledge of HTML
menus, trailers and special
coursewares and platforms in
Recorder will record
or Flash is required. The
features. Some of our
english, traditional chinese
directly to: MP3, (Constant
whole process of creating a
customers have complained
and simplified chinese
Bitrate: CBR or Variable
homepage will take about 10
about the difficulty they
speech and text. With our
Bitrate: VBR), WMA 9,
minutes. No registration
had copying DVDs, and this
installation, trainning, web
(Windows Media Audio 9), WAV
is needed, only basic
urged us to develop this
hosting and support, this is
or OGG Vorbis. At the
knowledge of downloading and
software DVD Clone Studio.
useful for e-learning
high-end you can record to
uploading files is
It is easy to use, easy to
website, SME's internal
actual CD quality stereo and
required. (update
install, and easy to
training and re-seller.
at the low-end you can
01/10/04: Windows XP service
configure. With DVD Clone
record all the way down to 8
pack 2 compliance for
Studio, you can make quick
Khz mono. The quality is
pop-ups and downloads added)
and easy DVD copies with
excellent at all settings!
excellent quality.
Record streaming Internet
*Perfect 1:1 DVD to DVD
audio or video broadcast
clone. *Sound and video
never lose in
quality. *Clone all the
Special Features, Menus,
Subtitles &
Languages. *High speed and
easy to use -- Just a few
clicks. *Support both DVD-5
and DVD-9, allowing you to
split DVD-9 on to two
disks. *Use most DVD-R /
burners. *Support both NTSC
movies. Software
Features: 1. Ease of use,
setup, and configuration 2.
Excellent quality 3. Play
Your Copies Anywhere 4.
Reliable stability

Date: Oct, 07 2004

Date: Jan, 13 2004

Date: May, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 01 2004
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