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Flash Optimizer for Mac

Hits: 497

Flash Optimizer Lite for Mac

Hits: 666

Flash Popup Menu Wizard

Hits: 822

Flash Saver

Hits: 300
Flash Optimizer for Mac is a
Flash Optimizer Lite for Mac
Flash Popup Menu Wizard is a
Flash Saver is a cool tool
powerful solution, which
is a simple and very useful
tool that allows you to
for flash fans. It adds the
reduces SWF files size up to
application that allows
design your Flash based
new option of 'Save Flash
70 percent thanks to amazing
compressing Macromedia Flash
vertical menu in a few
Files in This Page' to IE's
algorithms of vectors,
files in just a few mouse
minutes and instantly see
right-click popup menu. A
shapes, morphing, Z-buffer,
clicks. Using unique
the results. Flash Popup
simple rightclick within web
fonts, etc. It manages to
algorithms you will be able
Menu allows only single
browser is enough to save
optimize the whole SWF,
to compress SWF files up to
level sub menus. The program
Flash animations inside to
including curves,
40-70% without significant
gives you complete control
local computer with the help
zero-objects, ZLib
quality loss. This makes
over appearance of your
of Flash Saver. No need to
optimization and lot more
Flash Optimizer Lite an
menus, including options for
bother with thousand of
advanced techniques. SWF
indispensable tool for every
specifying font, font size,
fussy files in 'Temporary
info button shows you
web-designer to reduce
icons, colors, dimensions,
Internet Files'. And
details of Flash movies -
website traffic and save
and more in a easy-to-use
downloaded Flash animations
size in bytes, percentage of
considerable amount of
interface. Flash Popup Menu
are managed in different
each kind of resources and
loading time. More features
doesn't use any image for
categories, like MTV, games,
general size of original and
are brought by Standard
menu items. Flash Popup Menu
optimized files.
Wizard can embed a font in a
menu movie.

Date: May, 20 2005

Date: Oct, 12 2005

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Mar, 14 2002
Flash open Script Resource
It is a versatile Flash Maker
A flash Video software bundle
A flash animation software
Directory, Books, Tips and
and SWF editor, as well as
that helps you meet all your
bundle for both novice,
Tutorials, Websites,
an excellent tool to browse,
needs in making a
intermediate and
Software, Development Tools,
play and parse Shockwave
professional flash movie.
professional users. You can
FLA, SWF and Online
Flash movies, supporting
You can find all you ever
leave all design issues to
Community that compiles and
writing ActionScript 2.0.
hear about – shape design,
us for we have stored 1000
distributes Web Programming
Animated GIF can be
motion tween creation,
well-designed resources, 60
related Resources which are
imported. The Quick-start
guided motion and adding
animation effects, 30
helpful for Webmasters,
Wizard can guide you to
stream sound. The Encoder
templates and flexible
Developers and Programmers
create an animated slide
supports video formats
ActionScript. In the
to enhance their Web sites
show, Flash album, banner
including .avi, .asf (.wmv),
meanwhile, it’ll meet all
and other applications.
and button in minutes. It is
.mov (.qt), .mpeg. With
your needs in making a
powerful in exporting all
Sothink FlashVideo Encoder,
professional flash movie.
elements in various formats
converting video into swf or
You can find all you ever
and convert SWF to FLA.
flv file becomes no simpler!
hear about – shape design,
motion tween creation,
guided motion and adding
stream sound.

Date: Oct, 06 2004

Date: Dec, 07 2006

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Dec, 16 2006
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