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Flash Command Line Tools

Hits: 814

Flash Creations: Flash Gallery

Hits: 769
QCT Flash CMS is an easy to
Flash Command Line Tools
The largest collection of
Premium Photo Album was
use full featured content
(FCLT) are fully functional
commercial and free Flash
designed for users who want
management system. Used by
freeware tools available for
components, video loops,
to display their images on
award winning marketing
flash projector's and or the
sound loops and templates.
the web in a method that is
agencies, Flash CMS is built
default viewer
Our components include
fast,easy and simple. View
from the ground up to manage
(flashpla.exe) to allow
scrollers, menus, forms,
our tutorial, and find out
multi-channel content,
flash to manipulate windows.
calendar, charts, 3D, banner
how easy Premium Photo Album
including Flash, HTML,
Their primary purpose is for
ads, news ticker, RSS
is to setup.
wireless, kiosks, DVD/CDs,
Cdrom use, but they are not
reader, sound player and
desktop applications, print
limited to that use. FLCT
many more. Free support is
media and others. QCT
can: open any file, url, in
offered for all of our
Flash CMS is the only CMS
it's default application
products. Our collection
system that allows users on
(same as a double click);
is constantly growing.
the fly to create FLVs,
perform a perfect cdrom
convert one type of media to
browse function; play,
another (ex. JPG -> SWF)
eject/close audio cd's; play
and publish content to
any video or sound/music;
desktop applications and
kill any window open in
DVDs. With granual
windows; write .txt files
role/permission model,
and rewrite them; and
versioning and
perform various VBS script
multi-lenguage support, QCT
and rundll commands.
FLash CMS allows content
managers to easly and
effectively manage assets,
develop workflows and
publish content on the
fly. Together with QCT
TRACK and CRM, it is a truly
end-to-end marketing
relationship system.

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Jan, 02 2002

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Jun, 13 2006
The Premium Music Player was
This is the perfect tool to
Premium Video Player displays
The Premium Image Viewer was
created to solve a problem
share your photographs via
your favorite videos in a
designed for webmasters who
other mp3 players do not.
the web. Create stunning
flash. Place your video
want to display their images
Webmasters, musicians, and
Flash photo albums from your
files into a folder, open
in a photo gallery that is
anyone else who wants to
favorite digital pictures.
the .html file and the
small and compact.
present music to their web
Simply select the digital
player is displaying your
site visitors don't need to
photos you care to show, add
videos. Also, the entire
share their music any more.
the captions, and post it to
player can be customized!
Don't give your music away;
your site....it's that easy!
let your visitors listen to
Plus, you can have numerous
it! Here's how our mp3
galleries to organize the
players work: create a
photos for your friends and
folder on your web site, and
family. And, it is
upload the Premium Music
guaranteed to match your
Player files inside that
website! All the colors are
folder. Then, inside the
changeable by you. The
folder marked 'music' (this
headline is changeable, the
one is created for you when
title can change, the
you unzip the files you
outlines, all of it
download) upload your mp3
available to change any time.
files to it. All you will
need to do now is create a
link to the MusicPlayer3.swf
file and you are ready to
go. It is really that easy!
Now, for the folks who want
to personalize the Music
Player, open up the
Player.txt file and alter
the code. Save it, upload
it, and bingo.....the Player
is yours!

Date: Jun, 13 2006

Date: Jun, 13 2006

Date: Jun, 13 2006

Date: Jun, 13 2006
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