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Photo DVD Maker

Hits: 544

Photo Flash Gallery

Hits: 644

PHP/SWF Charts

Hits: 827


Hits: 882
Photo DVD Maker is the
Photo Flash Gallery - World's
Use PHP scripts to generate
PhpFlash is conformed by
easiest way to share your
Number One Flash
or gather the data from
series of .php and .as
photos on TV with friends
Gallery. Flash gallery
databases, then pass it to
files, they are granted
and family. It lets you
application using
this tool to generate Flash
totally free of charge.
quickly organize your photos
XML/PHP. Artist?
(swf) charts. PHP/SWF
It's main application is
into albums and burn them to
Professional designer?
Charts makes the best of
facilitating the development
CD-R or CD-RW disc to make
Photographer? Display your
both the PHP and SWF worlds.
of simple data queries from
video CD. then you can view
online portfolio with
PHP scripts provide
a database, setting up the
the exciting photo slide
attitude and style! Just
integration, and Flash
query’s parameters from
show on your home big screen
amateur? Share your
provides the best display
Flash. Supported SQL
TV with a DVD player. Unlike
favorites pictures
quality.   Features: -
functions are: Insert,
other similar softwares, we
online! Top reason to
Web charts from dynamic
Update, Select and Delete.
make only high resolution
choose: easy and fast
data - Quality Flash
It’s also able to send
(704x576 on TV) slide show
install; unlimited number of
graphics including
html-formatted e-mail, if
with background music for
pictures; full browser view
anti-aliasing, gradients,
allowed by the server.
TV. The image quality shown
mode; full custom look and
blends, etc. - Simple and
on TV is excellent and
feel; build in slideshow,
flexible chart generation -
unbelievable. With Photo
navigation module, user
Chart types: Line, Pie,
DVD Maker, You
comments. Powerful Flash
Column, Stacked column, 3D
Can: --Create and burn
Content Management System
column, Bar, Stacked bar,
photo slide show with
Area, Stacked area
clicks --Watch and show
your digital photos On TV
with DVD player --Save your
original photos on the CD-R
or CD-RW disc

Date: Dec, 09 2004

Date: Jun, 25 2006

Date: May, 19 2004

Date: Dec, 20 2002
It's a simple piano chords
Pixifex creates bitmap
Flash page flipping object
Make your own screen saver
finder. You can find
effects for Macromedia
for everyone. You may get it
with your favorite flash
complete chords from this
Flash, and does that
ready to work in just a few
movies in senconds with
finder and listen to how
real-time! Pixifex comes
seconds. It supports pages
Pretty screen saver. The
dose this chord sound.
equipped with 15 highly
containing library symbols,
popular Web animation format
adjustable effect groups,
external JPEG images and
lets you to create beautiful
which you can tweak using
external SWF files. Also,
and powerful vector
sliders and buttons. Any
flipping sound is supported
animations with sounds,
adjustment made takes effect
(the source sound can be
collision detection, text
immediately, which makes
loaded as a library symbol
effects and more.
Pixifex a productivity tool
or from an external file).
that you cannot afford to
To specify pages simply
miss out on. Creating high
enter the relative URL of
quality ShockWave material
the image or the SWF file.
has never been so simple.

Date: Oct, 10 2004

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Jul, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2003
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