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SWF to FLA Converter for PC

Hits: 498

Swf to Mp3 Converter

Hits: 399

SWF Toolbox

Hits: 1103

SWF Video Converter

Hits: 621
Recover any Macromedia Flash
Swf to Mp3 Converter is a
SWF Toolbox allows you to
SWF Video Converter turns
file into the original FLA
flash tool. It can extract
convert Macromedia Flash
video files to Flash SWF
with SWF to FLA Converter
all sound elements from
Files (SWF) into most
format, supporting most of
for PC. There are over 50
Flash movies (SWF files),
popular graphic formats such
the codecs installed on user
options available to extract
and it supports both event
as Projector EXE, AVI,
systems. Its user-friendly
sounds, images, videos,
sounds and stream sounds.
animated GIF and
interface makes it simple to
shapes, frames, morphs,
Swf to Mp3 Converter creates
frame-by-frame JPEG/GIF/BMP
specify the quality of video
fonts, texts, buttons,
sound files (.mp3 or .wav)
image series. The key
compression, add audio/video
sprites and ActionScripts
for every sound
feature of Toolbox is
are embedded in the program.
element. Features: *
Advanced Projector, which
(start/stop/pause/etc.) to
SWF to FLA Converter for PC
Extracts event sound
lets viewing SWF movies
resulting Flash file, apply
automatically defines the
characters in SWF files. *
without the need to install
custom text and/or image
version of original SWF file
Extracts stream sound
Flash OCX into the system,
watermarks to copyright your
and converts it to the same
characters in SWF files. *
defining window size and
files, specify watermarks
version of FLA, however, the
Supports batch
style, enabling/disabling
opacity/ position and much
user is still able to change
extracting. * Supports
mouse/keyboard activity,
the version.
Flash 6, 7, MX, MX 2004
setting expiration date,
compressed movie. * Can
versatile tooltips and more.
handle Flash movies
folder(s), so much as
Internet cache folder. *
Support Drag and Drop. *
High performance. *
Uncluttered user interface.

Date: Aug, 02 2006

Date: Dec, 21 2004

Date: Sep, 13 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006
SWF, Lock & Load is
swf2avi is a tool to convert
SWFKit is a tool to create
SWFText is an author tool of
an extremely easy program to
or batch-convert
s32-bit Windows applications
Flash text animation. It
generate Flash animated
Flash/Shockwave movies (swf)
from flash. SWFKit is based
embraces 160+ text effects
preloaders for your new and
to bitmaps, bitmap-sequences
on FFish script(a script
and 30+ background effects,
existing Flash files in
(bmp, jpg) or videos
language similar to
and users may also customize
seconds. Outputs SWF and FLA
(avi). (swf2bmp, swf2jpg,
ActionScript and
all the properties of a
files. Choose from over 100
swf2bitmap, swf2video, swf
Javascript),which is
Flash, including font, text
graphical preloader
to avi, swf to video, etc.
powerful but simple. With
color, and layout, etc. With
templates. Create
Special feature: swf2avi
SWFkit, your applications
SWFText, a user without any
"Smart Preloaders"
includes and executes all
can: access databases,
experience of Flash
which will attempt to
required movies and
realtime communication by
development can easily
preload enough for smooth
ActionScripts while
socket, send and receive
create a Flash banner or an
playback based on the users
converting the swf movie.
email, read and write file,
introductory page within a
connection speed. Add custom
access system registry, play
few minutes. And all you
feedback messages showing
and record multimedia ,
need do is to input text,
current statistics such as
embed ActiveX control,etc.
select font and animation
percentage, bytes loaded,
effects. While a veteran
and frames loaded. Save
Flash designer may use
project files so you can
SWFText for text animation
work on your preloaders over
in a project, which sure
time. Import SWF, Lock
greatly saves your time and
& Load preloaders
and Text-Osterone text
effects into our SWF 'n
Slide show creator.

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Oct, 14 2002

Date: Sep, 14 2003

Date: Nov, 01 2005
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