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Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition

Hits: 1209

Zinc v2.5

Hits: 1256


Hits: 1033
Windows, Mac OSX and now
Zinc v2.5 is the industry
zxChart - creates dynamic
Pocket PC! Zinc v2 Pocket PC
leading SWF2EXE application
charts in the Macromedia
Edition is another MDM World
- Create, Build and Deploy
Flash SWF format. Software
Exclusive - Build and Deploy
real Desktop Applications
based on the Macromedia
Pocket PC Applications based
based upon the Adobe Flash®
Flash technology and may be
upon the Adobe SWF Flash®
Format! Available for
used on any platform. Does
Format. Zinc v2 Pocket PC
Windows, Mac OSX and Pocket
not require knowledges of
Edition is the World's first
PC, Zinc v2.5 is the
Macromedia Flash. Data
true Flash Based RAD tool
fastest, most powerful, most
source may be static file or
for Pocket PC!<br>
feature-packed Rapid
a script (PHP, ASP, Perl,
Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition
Application Development tool
etc.). Using scripts, You
is a SWF2EXE Development
for Adobe Flash! Zinc
can select data from any
Environment that compiles
v2.5 empowers your Flash 6,
database, files or devices.
Pocket PC Applications from
7, 8 and 9 SWF files with
Software supports following
SWF Flash Files! Compile
unrivaled functionality and
chart types: column, bar,
Windows Mobile 2002/2003
flexibility. Create powerful
pie, line, composite column.
Applications directly from
Desktop Applications for
your existing or new Flash
Windows with over 800 new
Projects with no additional
and extremely powerful
commands for your Flash
projects. Zinc v2.5 can
Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition
completely customize every
is available as a STANDARD
aspect of your Application
or LITE version. In
from size, style, border and
addition, the compiled
icon, and its powerful
Pocket PC Projectors retain
scripting support,
as much functionality of
{mdm}Script 2.0, allows
Zinc v2 Windows & Mac
unrivaled functionality.
OSX Projectors! This
Zinc v2.5 even allows you to
includes support for over
completely skin your
150 {mdm}Script Commands
projectors and Application
(Including Reading/Writing
with over 100 pre-designed
Files, Video Playback and
Skins! Now updated to
Device Manipulation!) -
include Flash 9,
Customizable Projector
ActionScript 3 and Flex 2
Windows, Splash Screens,
Custom Installers and much,
much more!

Date: Oct, 17 2006

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Apr, 01 2005
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