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Flash SWF Decompiler

Hits: 360

Flash T-shirt Designer

Hits: 1061

Flash Text Scroller Wizard

Hits: 269
A flash animation software
Flash SWF Decompiler lets you
This application is intended
Flash Text Scroller Wizard is
bundle for both novice,
store sounds, images,
for companyes who offer
a tool that allows you to
intermediate and
videos, shapes, frames,
customers to print on
design your text scroller in
professional users. It has a
morphs, fonts, texts,
products like T-shirts,
a few minutes and instantly
versatile Flash Maker and
buttons, sprites and
mugs, bumper-stickers,
see the results. Flash Text
SWF editor, and an excellent
ActionScripts from any SWF
postcards, magnets,
Scroller is a highly
tool to browse, play and
file directly to your hard
mouse-pads, ect. ... Add
configurable vertical text
parse Flash movies,
drive. The hot feature of
text, and Drag and Drop
scroller and vertical news
supporting writing
the latest version is full
artwork directly onto your
ticker. This text scroller
ActionScript 2.0. The
SWF to FLA export - convert
choosen product. Change
features smooth scrolling,
Quick-start Wizard can guide
SWF into FLA with a single
color on both text and
URL links, the scroll
you to create an animated
click. Intellectual
artwork. This Flash
content is loaded from a
slide show, Flash album,
item-by-item preview,
application can be fully
separate text file,
banner and button in
user-friendly controls and
customized, and can be
configurable background
minutes. It is powerful in
fully-customizable interface
set-up to fit all your
color, and basic html tags.
exporting all elements in
make it a powerful and handy
needs, like color, size,
This is a cross-browser text
various formats and convert
tool for everyday use.
layout and design.
scroller. The new version of
Flash Text Scroller supports
embedded fonts.

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Feb, 24 2005

Date: May, 31 2006

Date: Apr, 11 2003
Convert Flash (swf) Movies to
Flash video messenger by
Flash Video MX is a very
Hoover Web Design's Free
fcschat.com is a robust
easy-to-use yet professional
Flash Sitebuilder will allow
files. Flash To Video
messenger in size of 110KB
software tool to convert
you to design a beginners
Encoder allows you to
made using flash MX 2004 and
your video to flash that can
Flash Web Site without
convert any Macromedia Flash
flash communication server.
be played on Internet
knowledge any of Macromedia
swf files to video movie AVI
Let your site users
Explorer with high quality.
Flash. Build your site
or mp4 or ASF/WMV file. Burn
expericence the power of
It supports almost all types
online by selecting your
directly to DVD. Add
flash video streaming while
of source video files such
photo, colors, and text.
watermarks, logos and
chatting with their
as mpeg, avi, mpg, wmv, rm,
Your web site will be sent
copiright messages to video
friends Features of Flash
rmvb, mov and so on, and can
to you automatically via
file. The converting process
video messenger: 1) Stable
generate flash 7,8 video
allowing human interaction
Flash front end 2)
output, then get the flash
on Flash content during
Compressed audio/video
on your web. With Flash
streaming 3) Set video
Video MX, you can add
Bandwidth 4) Set video
special effects, movie
Quality 5) Add/Delete
beginning and movie end,
Groups 6) Add/Delete Users
edit video quality, frame
7) Change your
rate, zoom scale and audio
effect, and even replace the
y,on phone) 8) Control
original audio with your
audio volume 9)
favorite music to make
flash! Convert video to
camera,mic 10) Private
flash is just a few clicks!
messagesing 11) Add users
Flash Video MX is also a
to conversation 12)
good flv encoder, flash
Bold,Italic,underline text
video encoder. The Flash
chat 13) smileys support in
Video Batch Encoder is a
chat 14) color palette for
professional tool in Flash
font colors 15)
Video MX, which is used to
Ignore/un-ignore users 16)
convert multiple video files
View all users' cam in
at once. With the Flash
conversation 17) Easy to
Video Batch Encoder, you can
integrate 18) 2 months free
select a list of video files
upgrades Below are some of
and specify their encoding
the benefits of using Flash
settings, then encode them
for video messeging 1)
at once by a single hit of a
Flash is more
flexible,stable than Java or
other browser based
languages used for making
video Chat systems. 2) As
flash is installed on nearly
95% of all browsers, the
Chat just works with nothing
to download, install, or
hassle with. 3) Flash is
completely cross platform -
win, Linux,MAC. 4) Better
compressed audio/video

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: May, 24 2005

Date: Mar, 06 2006

Date: May, 14 2006
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