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MP3 Stream Creator

Hits: 978

MP3 Tag Clinic

Hits: 1065

MP3 To All Converter

Hits: 936

MP3 to SWF Converter

Hits: 1091
Batch convert MP3 to SWF, WAV
MP3 Tag Clinic's unique
MP3 To All Converter is a
MP3 to SWF Converter converts
to SWF Add streaming audio
spreadsheet-like design
powerful MP3 Converter
MP3 and WAV to SWF quickly.
to your website
maximizes the methods
software which converts MP3
It's very easy to use. MP3
easily Support various
available for editing tags.
files to other type of audio
to SWF Converter can encode
encoding format of
While placed in full fiew
files. It can convert MP3
MP3 and WAV with different
MP3 Support nice UI
and editable field-by-field
files to CD compatible Wav
parameters (like sample
individually, they are also
files for burning CD disc.
frequency, bit rate,
made available to a wide
It also can convert MP3
channels or encoding
range of auto-editing tools
files to WMA or VQF files to
quality). It can create not
and features that are as
make the files' size more
only sound stream SWF but
close as your mouse. Custom
also playback controllable
combinations of whole tags
SWF. And it supports batch
or tag fields can be easily
selected to have the same
automated editing function
applied to all of them at
one time.

Date: Jan, 31 2005

Date: Oct, 25 2004

Date: Oct, 11 2004

Date: Nov, 26 2005
A framework designed to
Flash menu for Dreamweaver MX
This menu can be easily
Give yourself a virtual
handle the logic for
2004 (or 8). Integrate power
configured in any editor.
extreme makeover. Looking
custom-written games. It
of Dreamweaver and beauty of
You should only write XML
for a new hair style?
helps speed development time
Flash. If you want easy and
file with navigation tree
Pondering that nose job.
by providing a game world
fast build navigation on
and other settings (colors,
This program enables you to:
that can be extended by
your site we suggest to try
fonts, text on buttons). As
1. Rapidly sample different
developers. It's ideal for
this flash menu extensions.
key feature you can enable
facial features while giving
arcade-style games (i.e.
The flash menu is
search field that can be
yourself a few laughs in the
Tetris, Pac-man, Space
Dreamweaver version. You can
configured to work with your
process. 2. Morph your
Invaders) but can easily be
download Flash or
search engine. The menu is
favorite stars together to
extended to support other
Standalone(XML) version of
available also as extension
see their offspring. 3.
the menu from softery.com.
for Macromedia Dreamweaver
Build wacky facial collages.
Menu design is created by
MX 2004 - 8 and Macromedia
4. Capture images right off
professional designers. The
Flash MX 2004 - 8.
the web with built-in screen
menu is dynamically
capture tool. 5. Create
generated by Flash Action
Flash(swf) animations and
Script for more versatility
slideshows with ease
and fast loading. To realize
vivid colors, realistic
halftoned images and smooth
gradients in the flash menu,
we are evolved special
RGB-to-HSL conversion
functions. Each flash menu
on softery.com is tested and
approved by Macromedia
(Adobe). Make your site
navigation in minutes.
Change default parameters of
the menu and publish. No
programming skills required.
Designate your colors,
names, links. Our flash menu
extensions are ready to use.

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Oct, 17 2006

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Feb, 19 2005
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