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7Canaries Standard

Hits: 488

A talking bot for your site!

Hits: 415


Hits: 1860

A1 Audio Ripper

Hits: 1050
7Canaries Standard retrieve
Alfredo is a
Image names and captions, and
A1 Audio Ripper, Rip your
music score from audio
highly-customizable talking
category ("group")
favorite CD to MP3 A1
record. It takes standard
bot which you can put on any
names, are easily
Audio Ripper is a powerful
WAVE file as input, then
PHP/MySQL website. He
configurable using an
software for extracting
processes it and outputs
accepts input from the
external XML file, which can
audio tracks directly from
standard MIDI file. Beside
keyboard and responds in a
be edited using any good
CDs to MP3 with ease. It
the most of competitors, it
human voice (optionally your
text editor, like Textpad
provides excellent output
allows to get several voices
own) with perfect lip
(www.textpad.com). Over a
quality and high ripping
(up to 9). The program works
synchronization. His
dozen XML configuration
speed. And it can detect
with pre-recorded file, and
input/output patterns are
options are available in the
your CD-ROM and select
there are user-adjustable
easily programmed in a
external XML configuration
appropriate settings
parameters to enhance the
simple markup language
file. Background JPG image
automatically for beginner,
quality of conversion.
called AIML. Alfredo can be
is loaded externally, so it
so you can rip a CD by just
7Canaries Standard does not
Jessica the saleslady,
can be modified or changed
one click. With the friendly
contain interactive VisiNote
Ronald the teacher, Marian
easily. This image must be a
interface, you will complete
Editor(tm), which is built
the site guide, Erwin the
non-progressive JPG image.
CD ripping within a few
in 7Canaries Pro.
troubadour or any other
Includes 100% of the Flash
minutes. A1 Audio Ripper
implementation you can think
2004 Pro. (Flash 7) source
can help you to enjoy your
of. Features - Fully
code, including the .fla
favorite CD with ease!
customizable: look, mind and
file and all .as files.
Software Features: 1.
voice. - Unique combination
All sounds are external MP3
Rip CD to MP3 with excellent
of recorded human voice and
files, loaded at run-time
output quality 2. Very
Artificial Intelligence. -
into the gallery, which
easy to use, just by one
Runs in your own server
means that you can easily
click 3. High ripping
space, so no monthly fees
replace them with your own
speed 4. Supports batch rip
and no limit to your number
MP3s. All images are
of audio streams. - Can be
external, non-progressive
integrated into any
JPG images, one folder per
PHP/MYSQL website. - Works
category (note: the XML
with any web browser.
configuration must match the
Extensively tested in IE and
folder hierarchy). Sleek
Firefox. - One-time-price:
thumbnail viewer and
category changer was
custom-designed by Flash
guru Michael Klishin.
Rollover effects are present
for thumbnails and arrow

Date: Nov, 17 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Nov, 03 2004
Simplifies and accelerates
A4 Flash Menu Builder 1.45 is
A4Desk is a professional,
Action Script Viewer (ASV) is
the work of webdesigner,
an all-in-one, easy-to-use,
flash templates based
an advanced SWF (Flash
creates in a lightning and
templates-based Flash Menu
software suite to help users
movie) decompiler for
easily stunning multimedia
Building software. It helps
develop flash menu headers
Windows. Decompiles
Flash Slideshow,
you to create professional
and flash web sites on
actionscripts, extracts
Photo-gallery, Portfolio
looking Flash menus in
Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/XP
sounds, bitmaps, text,
totally customizing, ready
minutes. No Flash
platform. A4Desk provides
displays the SWF timeline,
for web with: Preloading,
programming, scripting, or
an easy to use Windows
lets you navigate the
Miniatures, Buttons,
design skills required. A4
interface and requires
internals of a SWF file with
Transitions, Animated
Flash Menu Builder provides
absoutely no coding. The
context sensitive preview
effects, Roll-over,
the easiest solution for
The latest version supports
and an info pane. ASV can
Actionscript etc. ready to
building XML based Flash
a built-in FTP client,
also extract outlines of
use, for an involving and
Menus without using any
European characters, and
vector symbols as Flash MX
incomparable user
additional software. Comes
insertion of external SWF
actionscript, SVG or a JSFL
experience. The large
with general, business,
files. Latest version -
Tool. ASV fully supports
templates variety and
cyber, global, romantic, and
5.64 Released in Oct 2006.
Flash 3, 4, 5, MX, MX 2004
graphic libraries ready to
sports themed templates.
Now support English, Dutch,
and will even show
use and the .Fla files
Latest version released on
French, German, Spanish, and
obfuscated scripts. New
source, allow a total
31st Oct 2006.
Portuguese interface, with
with version 4, now ASV can
customization, up to the
over 120 flash templates.
save resources and a JSFL
creation of own templates
command to rebuild the FLA
conformed to any layout
for a SWF with Flash MX
necessity. A2 Editor Flash
2004. Offers a great head
is the ideal Software for
start when reconstructing
the webdesigner, it helps
the FLA. Visit the site
to: Save time, Cut costs,
for more info. (Note
have soon best results. Dont
that current demo is of 3.00
require knowledge of flash
techniques. Demo Free.

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Sep, 16 2003
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