Use PHP scripts to generate
Flash Popup Menu Wizard is a
10Minute Flash is a unique
or gather the data from
tool that allows you to
online multimedia website
databases, then pass it to
design your Flash based
builder. It allows anyone
this tool to generate Flash
vertical menu in a few
from novice to expert to
(swf) charts.
minutes and instantly see
create a professional
Charts makes the best of
the results. Flash Popup
looking Flash web site from
both the PHP and SWF worlds.
Menu allows only single
designer templates in under
PHP scripts provide
level sub menus. The program
an hour. Design for yourself
integration, and Flash
gives you complete control
or for clients.
provides the best display
over appearance of your
menus, including options for
Web charts from dynamic
specifying font, font size,
- Quality Flash
icons, colors, dimensions,
graphics including
and more in a easy-to-use
anti-aliasing, gradients,
interface. Flash Popup Menu
blends, etc.
- Simple and
doesn't use any image for
flexible chart generation
menu items. Flash Popup Menu
Chart types: Line, Pie,
Wizard can embed a font in a
Column, Stacked column, 3D
menu movie.
column, Bar, Stacked bar,
Area, Stacked area
Date: May, 19 2004 Date: Nov, 30 -1 Date: Aug, 28 2003 Date: Apr, 02 2002 |
Make Flash text effects in
Flash Command Line Tools
Amara Flash Slideshow Builder
SWF, Lock & Load is
seconds! The Wild FX text
(FCLT) are fully functional
is a low-cost no-nonsense
an extremely easy program to
animator comes with 400+
freeware tools available for
Flash album creator to help
generate Flash animated
effects including 40+
flash projector's and or the
the web designer to create
preloaders for your new and
customizable effects that
default viewer
and design animated Flash
existing Flash files in
work with your installed
(flashpla.exe) to allow
Amara Flash
seconds. Outputs SWF and FLA
fonts. Wild FX is amazingly
flash to manipulate windows.
Slideshow Builder you can
files. Choose from over 100
easy to use. Just enter your
Their primary purpose is for
take your own digital images
graphical preloader
text and select an effect.
Cdrom use, but they are not
and music, and turn them
templates. Create
Wild FX lets you generate
limited to that use. FLCT
into a stunning Flash
"Smart Preloaders"
new custom effects templates
can: open any file, url, in
slideshow in minutes.
which will attempt to
without requiring any
it's default application
The software is compatible
preload enough for smooth
programming knowledge, save
(same as a double click);
with all popular graphic
playback based on the users
your settings files, as well
perform a perfect cdrom
file and audio formats.
connection speed. Add custom
as add background images,
browse function; play,
Amara Flash Slideshow
feedback messages showing
text fills, gradients and
eject/close audio cd's; play
Builderr allows you to
current statistics such as
strokes. There's an HTML
any video or sound/music;
design compelling animated
percentage, bytes loaded,
export option that includes
kill any window open in
Flash photo galleries from
and frames loaded. Save
the ability to automatically
windows; write .txt files
your digital camera
project files so you can
generate pop-up javascript
and rewrite them; and
Amara Flash
work on your preloaders over
code, as well as a host of
perform various VBS script
Slideshow Builder saves your
time. Import SWF, Lock
automated Flash functions
and rundll commands.
settings. All your personal
& Load preloaders
such as links, custom
settings for pictures, URL
and Text-Osterone text
variables, looping, and
links, colors, sound etc.
effects into our SWF 'n
on-click actions. Wild FX is
are automatically loaded the
Slide show creator.
great for making animated
next time you use Amara
text, buttons, banners, and
Flash Slide show builder.
animated names and
But you can also easily
change and update them.
Amara Flash slide show
builder is extremely
user-friendly. The user
interface guides you through
the quick and easy steps and
you will understand how it
works immediately. No Flash
or programming skills are
Date: Dec, 18 2003 Date: Jan, 02 2002 Date: Nov, 02 2006 Date: Nov, 30 -1 |