MP3 Tag Clinic's unique
This application is intended
Media Manager organizes your
A1 Audio Ripper, Rip your
spreadsheet-like design
for companyes who offer
files in logical collections
favorite CD to MP3
maximizes the methods
customers to print on
(volumes) where for example
Audio Ripper is a powerful
available for editing tags.
products like T-shirts,
you could have all your
software for extracting
While placed in full fiew
mugs, bumper-stickers,
pictures in one volume and
audio tracks directly from
and editable field-by-field
postcards, magnets,
your MP3's in another.
CDs to MP3 with ease.
individually, they are also
mouse-pads, ect. ...
course you can further
provides excellent output
made available to a wide
text, and Drag and Drop
sub-divide your collections
quality and high ripping
range of auto-editing tools
artwork directly onto your
by using specialized volumes
speed. And it can detect
and features that are as
choosen product. Change
of your own design - be as
your CD-ROM and select
close as your mouse. Custom
color on both text and
creative as you like!
appropriate settings
combinations of whole tags
This Flash
automatically for beginner,
or tag fields can be easily
application can be fully
so you can rip a CD by just
selected to have the same
customized, and can be
one click. With the friendly
automated editing function
set-up to fit all your
interface, you will complete
applied to all of them at
needs, like color, size,
CD ripping within a few
one time.
layout and design.
A1 Audio Ripper
can help you to enjoy your
favorite CD with ease!
Software Features:
Rip CD to MP3 with excellent
output quality
2. Very
easy to use, just by one
3. High ripping
4. Supports batch rip
Date: Oct, 25 2004 Date: May, 31 2006 Date: Oct, 10 2004 Date: Nov, 03 2004 |
Add new categories and images
Creative Slide Show is a web
Envision Seamlessly
zxChart - creates dynamic
quickly and easily by
tool designed for easily
integrates with Macromedia
charts in the Macromedia
editing the XML
creating flash slide shows,
Flash MX 2004 and records
Flash SWF format. Software
configuration file. Any good
presentations and banners
all on screen activity
based on the Macromedia
text editor, like Textpad
for your HTML websites. The
complete with mouse
Flash technology and may be
( can be
product does not require
movements, mouse clicks and
used on any platform. Does
used for this purpose. You
Macromedia Flash or any
Key Presses.Then exactly
not require knowledges of
may also use so-called
flash knowledge. The
re-creates them within Flash
Macromedia Flash. Data
bbcode, like [b], [i], and
product enables the user to
MX 2004 adding mouse click
source may be static file or
[u], to add bold, italic,
put together multiple images
animations etc ready for any
a script (PHP, ASP, Perl,
and underline effects to
in order to create an
further editing. Allowing
etc.). Using scripts, You
your text.
All gallery
animated slide show with
you to quickly and easily
can select data from any
sounds are stored in
transition effects. Full
create Desktop Screen
database, files or devices.
external MP3 files, so they
control over each slide,
Captures, Product
Software supports following
can be easily changed
over 50 customizable
Demonstrations, Interactive
chart types: column, bar,
without having to edit the
transition effects,
Tutorials and more straight
pie, line, composite column.
Flash source at all. Over
customizable preloaders,
from the Flash MX 2004 IDE.
a dozen options are included
backgrounds, borders and
And then utilize the awesome
in the XML configuration
shadows are just a few of
power of Flash MX 2004 to
file. Not all options in
this product’s great
annotate and further
this file are supported by
Creative Slide
customize your screen
this gallery, but quite a
Show also has an online
few are. 100% of the Flash
configurator available where
2004 Pro. source code (.fla
you can visually create your
files and .as files) are
slide show online and easily
included upon purchase. If
integrate it into your web
you can't something with the
The product
XML configuration file, then
includes an advanced version
you can certainly do it by
that can be used with
directly editing the Flash
dynamic content due to its
source, assuming knowledge
support for server-side
of Flash programming. All
technologies. Creative Slide
images are external JPGs,
Show supports 5 of the most
which are loaded into the
used server-side
gallery at run-time. Please
technologies (PHP, ASP,
note that these must be
ColdFusion, ASP.NET C# and
non-progresive JPG images.
Infinitely many categories,
and infinitely many images
per category, are possible.
Scrollbars are automatically
added in the event that
there are more categories
and/or images for the
viewable area.
Date: Jul, 02 2005 Date: May, 25 2006 Date: May, 02 2005 Date: Apr, 01 2005 |