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CoffeeCup Web Calendar

Hits: 606


Hits: 322

Eltima SWF Toolbox

Hits: 845
Now you can add a cool Flash
Sothink SWF Decompiler is an
Blogamp is a dynamic,
Eltima SWF Toolbox offers a
Calendar to your Website and
excellent tool to browse,
web-based song management
great amount of features for
highlight your events,
play and parse Shockwave
and delivery interface for
manipulating Flash movies.
meetings or holidays. Add
Flash movies. Sothink SWF
music artists, talk radio,
The software converts
descriptions of your special
Decompiler, which is
schoool, and bloggers who
individual or batches of
days and times and they will
compatible with Flash 8 and
wish to stream and
Flash files into most usable
appear when someone clicks a
ActionScript 2.0 completely,
conveniently manage their
graphic formats (Projector
date. No HTML experience is
can export all elements in
own audio on the web.
EXE, AVI, frame-by-frame
required, simply use our
various formats and convert
K-AMP’s Media Manager which
JPG/GIF/BMP image series or
wizard to create your
SWF to FLA. Exporting FLA
is accessed thru a web
single animated GIF). SWF
Website calendar. Customize
settings are available. To
browser, requires little
Toolbox figures an extremely
the colors to fit your
more considerate design, SWF
effort to customize,
useful Advanced Projector
layout and each type of day
Catcher on the IE and
maintain and update.
feature, that lets creating
on your calendar too.
Firefox’s toolbar can catch
Blogamp lets subscribers
EXE files out of any SWF,
the Flash movie directly.
manage their own
thus making it possible to
Create Flash easily and
audio-on-demand using the
watch SWF movies without
conveniently by Decompiler!
Blogamp's Media and
installing Flash Player.
Podcasting Manager, which
can be easily accessed and
administered through a web
browser without the need for
special software or
technical knowledge.

Date: Sep, 26 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 08 2006

Date: Sep, 07 2006
Creating your own Flash Menu
Recover any Macromedia Flash
The Simple Video Player plays
Flash page flipping object
website is peanuts using
file into the original FLA
your favorite video files in
for everyone. You may get it
Flash XML Menu Templates
with SWF to FLA Converter
a flash. The Simple Video
ready to work in just a few
from Clix-FX We offer you
for PC. There are over 50
Player is a standalone
seconds. It supports pages
the easiest way imaginable
options available to extract
player which means it
containing library symbols,
to design and create Flash
sounds, images, videos,
doesn’t need help from an
external JPEG images and
menus for your website. You
shapes, frames, morphs,
ASP or PHP script in order
external SWF files. Also,
don't need to know Flash or
fonts, texts, buttons,
to work. The Simple Video
flipping sound is supported
HTML to construct your web
sprites and ActionScripts
Player can play video files
(the source sound can be
menus, just insert the menus
are embedded in the program.
on your local machine, as
loaded as a library symbol
into your webpages, enter
SWF to FLA Converter for PC
well as on the World Wide
or from an external file).
your URL's , Lables, and
automatically defines the
Web. The Simple Video Player
To specify pages simply
colors in the external XML
version of original SWF file
can even match the color
enter the relative URL of
file.With Clix-FX Flash XML
and converts it to the same
scheme of your website.
the image or the SWF file.
Menus and Flash Buttons, you
version of FLA, however, the
don't need any other tools
user is still able to change
besides Notepad (which comes
the version.
standard on every computer)
to modify the content of
your Flash XML Menu. That's
right, you don't have to buy
Macromedia Flash. All you
need is just a Flash XML
Menu Template from Clix-FX.

Date: Aug, 29 2006

Date: Aug, 02 2006

Date: Jul, 21 2006

Date: Jul, 14 2006
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