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Swiff Chart

Hits: 516

10Minute Flash

Hits: 802

Flash Saver

Hits: 300

Flash Command Line Tools

Hits: 800
SwiffChart lets you create
10Minute Flash is a unique
Flash Saver is a cool tool
Flash Command Line Tools
eye-catching animated charts
online multimedia website
for flash fans. It adds the
(FCLT) are fully functional
in Macromedia Flash format.
builder. It allows anyone
new option of 'Save Flash
freeware tools available for
Paste your Data Series from
from novice to expert to
Files in This Page' to IE's
flash projector's and or the
your spreadsheet or import
create a professional
right-click popup menu. A
default viewer
them as a formatted text
looking Flash web site from
simple rightclick within web
(flashpla.exe) to allow
file, apply a predefined
designer templates in under
browser is enough to save
flash to manipulate windows.
Style, adjust parameters and
an hour. Design for yourself
Flash animations inside to
Their primary purpose is for
animations and instantly
or for clients.
local computer with the help
Cdrom use, but they are not
export your chart as a
of Flash Saver. No need to
limited to that use. FLCT
Flash™ file.
bother with thousand of
can: open any file, url, in
fussy files in 'Temporary
it's default application
Internet Files'. And
(same as a double click);
downloaded Flash animations
perform a perfect cdrom
are managed in different
browse function; play,
categories, like MTV, games,
eject/close audio cd's; play
any video or sound/music;
kill any window open in
windows; write .txt files
and rewrite them; and
perform various VBS script
and rundll commands.

Date: Apr, 09 2002

Date: Apr, 02 2002

Date: Mar, 14 2002

Date: Jan, 02 2002
With SWiSH you can create
This collection of small Perl
SWF, Lock & Load is
professional Flash
scripts for BBEdit and
an extremely easy program to
animations in minutes
Macperl enable you to easily
generate Flash animated
without buying Flash. SWiSH
edit Flash 5 ActionScripts
preloaders for your new and
is so easy to use, you'll be
inside BBEdit by providing
existing Flash files in
producing complex animations
all the shortcuts that Flash
seconds. Outputs SWF and FLA
with text, images, graphics
5 provides in its scripting
files. Choose from over 100
and sound in no time. SWiSH
enviroment. The advantage to
graphical preloader
has over 150 built-in
this is that you know are
templates. Create
effects like Explode,
able to use all the features
"Smart Preloaders"
Vortex, 3D Spin, Wave and
of BBEdit when writing your
which will attempt to
many more. SWiSH has tools
preload enough for smooth
for creating lines,
playback based on the users
rectangles, ellipses, Bezier
connection speed. Add custom
curves, motion paths,
feedback messages showing
sprites and rollover
current statistics such as
buttons, all in an
percentage, bytes loaded,
easy-to-use interface.
and frames loaded. Save
project files so you can
work on your preloaders over
time. Import SWF, Lock
& Load preloaders
and Text-Osterone text
effects into our SWF 'n
Slide show creator.

Date: Oct, 15 2001

Date: Sep, 13 2000

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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